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Finding work


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With your cafe experience Stacey, I'd expect you'd be able to find some work without too much difficulty. The cafe where my wife works have taken on 2 or 3 more staff lately, not all with experience either. They only really have a vacancy for one or 2 particular days each week, but people bundle that together with work at other places to give them a weeks work.


If you want to keep working in that environment, you'd be best to visit as many Cafes as you can. You could end up getting a Monday here, a Tuesday there, a Wednesday somewhere else. It's all work, and experience.

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Thanks guys. I'm sure I'll find something. I've a member of a backpacking page on Facebook and the admin of that asked his local pub if they would be looking for people and they said tell her to come in with her cv. Apparently the area doesn't have hostels but students live in that area so there should be flat shares. So I'll give that place a go.

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Although apparently students finish up in November so I'm going to be against all of them on top of the other backpackers too


Maybe. But most students will want to be on holiday; rather than working.


Also students can only work until college starts again - whereas you can work in one job for six months. Most employers don't want to train someone who will be leaving again in a few weeks to return to college.




You really need to change your mindset. You keep putting blocks up and talking yourself out of things. Stop worrying so much.

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That's true, I didn't think of it like that. It's just there's a few people on here in the past who have went on about how places will take locals first (rightly so) and that the students want summer jobs. I think once I get a job I'll stay in it as long as possible and then use the other half to travel as much as possible.


Im going to have around £5000 if my calculations are right. Only time I like to do maths is when it's my wages :laugh:

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Stacey, lots of places on gumtree here ATM are listing whv regional work for the second year and stuff like that. I'm sure you'll be fine. Some specifically want whv people as local kids don't want to work, or can't work the jobs as they are out of the city up in the hills and stuff. So they aim for the people that are interested, travellers.

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Im going to have around £5000 if my calculations are right.


Wow that is great. I turned up with £800.


I stayed in Sydney for six months earning money and saving. Then spent the next six months traveling and spending that money.


I totally ran out of money by the time I arrived in Darwin, and worked three jobs (at the same time) there, to get enough money for a month of travel in Asia and to pay for my flight back to the UK.


I also suggest trying to arrive back in the UK in summer. Can you imagine, I was living in Darwin and it was hot and humid. I spent a month in Asia and it was hot and humid. Got on the flight from Singapore to London and arrived back 24 hours later in winter to snow. The shock to my system was immense. And I promptly came down with the worst flu and tonsillitis ever, having been completely 100% well for my entire WHV. I was so depressed.

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5000 give or take. It depends on how good I can be from now till I leave because I have 2 nights out but I don't tend to spend much when I go out. It'll definitely be 4000 minimum. Considering I was originally going with 2500 I'm pleased with that!


Yeah I was actually thinking earlier about arriving back in winter. Would definitely be a shock. I can remember coming back from 2 weeks in Florida to the dreadful winter of 2010. It was freezing when we got off the plane. I'm hoping to at least see some of New Zealand before I come back and maybe some of Asia so should hopefully be able to stay away from winter and then come back in spring. Still thinking of going to college too so I'd need to be back before June for the interviews of I was doing that

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Still thinking of going to college too so I'd need to be back before June for the interviews of I was doing that


College can wait. You can enroll any year. Travel as much as you can now. Because you may not get the chance when you are older.


You could even do the WHV in Australia for one year, and then apply for a one year WHV to New Zealand. Then go to Asia. Then two years later return to UK.


I found it very easy to get WHV work in NZ. Easier than Australia I thought. But of course that was many years ago now and the situation may have changed since.



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Yeah I've always said that if I'm going to stay away from the UK for 2 years then it's more likely to be one year in Australia and one in nz rather than two in Australia. Shall see how it goes! I'm not sure about the work situation in New Zealand. Most people I hear of going only go for a holiday

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I've got the same fear as Stacy on regards of the job front.

My plan is to come towards the end of March(Sydney), by then I'll have about £7000 though a major chunk of this will go on a car to hopefully expand my employability...


I've got about 3 years waiter/bar work experience, and 8 years under civil construction (labourer/,lead hand)


Does anyone know what the labourer market is like out in sydney?



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