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Hi all


I am about to get a new job, which I desperately need to pay for my next visa.

So… I am currently on my last 5 months of my Working Holiday Visa, and will be applying for the Partner subclass 820 visa. Whilst I am on a bridging visa am I still eligible to work??????

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When your Bridging visa takes effect, you will have unrestricted work rights. Until then (i.e. while your WHV is still valid), you are still bound by the 6 month per employer restriction though AFTER you have applied for an 820, you can apply on Form 1445 to have that restriction lifted.

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Hi my son is on a WHV at the moment he is due to go in to a Bridging Visa in 2 weeks time his Bridging visa States he is only allowed to work under the same conditions as his WHV 6 months at one job. You can apply for unrestricted working rights but have to prove financial hardship and can only do this once your bridging visa is in force. Hope that helps Debbs

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Hi my son is on a WHV at the moment he is due to go in to a Bridging Visa in 2 weeks time his Bridging visa States he is only allowed to work under the same conditions as his WHV 6 months at one job. You can apply for unrestricted working rights but have to prove financial hardship and can only do this once your bridging visa is in force. Hope that helps Debbs

It's true that with most Bridging visas, the BV carries the same work rights and restrictions as the visa from which they are bridging but that is NOT the case with BVs when a Partner or Parent visa has been applied for. Those BVs carry completely unrestricted work rights - the rules about them changed a couple of years ago. Here's a link to the Migration Regulations detailing the change:


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If your WHV will expire before you've worked 6 months for this employer, then you can simply continue to work for them once your bridging visa takes effect. The 1445 would be needed if you have more than 6 months remaining on your WHV (so you would be requesting permission to work for the employer longer than the limitation specified on the WHV).

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