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Being turfed out...

Guest Guest55385

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Guest Guest55385

4 weeks ago the husband was made redundant and now with no work, we had to make the decision of going back.


At the moment "back" could be either France or the UK, however as we have no house, no car and no job to return to we might just have a holiday lol.


We're not exactly being turfed out but it does feel quite gut wrenching that it's ending in this fashion. The irony being our visa runs out in Nov this year and we'd already decided to look elsewhere for jobs lol.


Oh, how life has its funny turns :)


So, the week of June 8th is ours to go.

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Good luck with your move forwards on the next step of your life adventure! Sometimes the curve balls that life throws you can end up with fabulous outcomes! It's a bugger while they're still chucking them at you though! Hope it all works out well!

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Guest Guest55385

We are already looking forwards. We have 2 jobs offers in/around London and are skyping with a company in France on Friday. Every cloud has a silver lining lol.

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