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my time has come to leave australia


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Wow! And they say lightning never strikes twice! In your case it seems it struck many times! That's amazing, you should have bought some lottery tickets too!!


I also managed to move from IT contract work in London to a permanent role in Scotland just before the post 9/11 impact on the IT market had a lot of my friends in London out of work for several months, sold my house there for a decent price and bought in Scotland just before a housing boom. People then thought I'd been smart but again it was driven by personal rather than financial decisions.


I guess though I'm a glass half full kind of person, it could easily tell different stories...like buying my first house in 1989 and my OH losing his job in 1991 by which time the market had crashed and we had £12k negative equity - the banks advice was for us to claim benefits, not what a 26 year graduate wants to do!

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Best of luck Paul.Where abouts are you heading back to?Gorgeous day today,and warmer tomorrow & Wednesday! :cute:As for the recession in Oz,it will be probably much the same as it was here.We weren't affected at all,and no one we know was either.Life continued on as always so its not all D & G!

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Just riding my luck at barrow island... going to get laid off... hope i can get another 5/6 swings, i was always going home.. glad i picked up the last 4 years of the boom. Missed the uk recession, going to miss this one here too .....just ..


Just think about the exchange rate we got out at the top but we sold up in advance and moved into rented so that we could take advantage, the pound will be weakened by the election here for a few months

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[quote name=Jacaranda;19

Best of luck Paul.Where abouts are you heading back to?Gorgeous day today' date='and warmer tomorrow & Wednesday! :cute:As for the recession in Oz,it will be probably much the same as it was here.We weren't affected at all,and no one we know was either.Life continued on as always so its not all D & G!

Few areas in mind, sevenoaks, tonbridge, tunbridge wells or hassocks near brighton... will make final decesion when we are back

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Wishing you all the best, wherever you end up. I've got 12 days left in oz, never thought I'd be saying that thought I was stuck here!


Good luck Helz980 with the move back, wishing you lots of happiness back in Blighty.


And to you too Paul all the best, we too are going back in just under 12 weeks time after 7 years so there are a few of us making the return home.

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Guest Guest55385
Good luck Helz980 with the move back, wishing you lots of happiness back in Blighty.


And to you too Paul all the best, we too are going back in just under 12 weeks time after 7 years so there are a few of us making the return home.


Yup, us too. Just looking for flights but aiming for June 14th.


We just found out that the company will repatriate us and cover our flights and half of the costs of a half container. It's about $3k, so we're not complaining lol.


Having a holiday first and giving the kids another 3/4 term at school. We will home school them until Sep - just an hour or so a day to keep the continuity. Otherwise they'll have missed nearly a whole academic year.


As I said before, bitter sweet, but we're embracing the changes :)


Good luck to everyone going back.

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Aww im so envious of the ones that are going home this year.but best of luck.and please post updates when your all back in uk,i'll love to read it.best of luck to you paul.instead od December 2016 we are now thinking early march 2016.i cant waittt

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