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Approved 457 Visa


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I am amazed 10 days after being told the visa had been lodged, we received confirmation that our 457 visa had been approved :jiggy:. Now the mad panic of getting our house sold so we can follow OH over in July!!


Is there a checklist anywhere I can use to make sure I sort everything i.e. Doctors, school records etc




Lisa x

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I wouldn't sell my house on the strength of a 457 visa being granted. What happens if it doesn't work out? I've seen the unfortunate results of 457 visas being terminated earlier than they thought.


Rent or buy another one. Some people have less emotional attachment to a brick box than others do.

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Do not sell a house on a 457 - there is a big clue in the name of the visa "Temporary". Until you have a pr visa, that is all it is and a lot can happen between now and then - immigration rules change all the time and I have seen a lot of people over the years start on a 457 assuming they will go pr, only for their occupation to be removed and no longer eligible for pr or even a new 457.

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Rent or buy another one when the time is right. Adults making adult decisions. The sale of a house might put them in better circumstances for all we know. We don't know the individuals situation. But I accept that some people would be wary about cutting such ties whilst on a temporary visa.


For me, it was not a concern. If I had to go back home without a job to my house in the UK, having a mortgage millstone round my neck, and all the other associated costs, would have been a big problem until work was secured. No house, no worries, probably would have spent time temporarily with family until things sort themselves out. No big deal really. Family might think different after a week or two though! :-)


It never actually worked out like that despite having our house on the market whilst here on a 457. Our house back home didn't sell and despite having tenants, it's been quite a drain on our resources. If it had sold, we'd have saved heaps!


Like I said, adults making adult decisions. Whenever works best for the individuals concerned.

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