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Contacting the case officer

Guest daisydeeds

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Guest daisydeeds

Ok, so no news today. I currently have an email sitting already composed asking if the case officer can give an indication of timescales.


Trouble is - I'm too scared to send it - I don't want to do anything that's likely to cause trouble, but we don't even know if the meds have been received or anything - we're completely in the dark.


Any ideas?



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I sent one yesterday and their reply was


"Thank you for email. LCU have received your health applications and is

currently undergoing assessment. If you require any further information,

please contact your allocated case officer.


Kind Regards,

Winnie Hui



So at least I know it's there :D


BUT should I contact our case officer :?

I can hear "cluck, cluck" in the background :oops:


Good luck



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I sent one yesterday and their reply was


"Thank you for email. LCU have received your health applications and is

currently undergoing assessment. If you require any further information,

please contact your allocated case officer.


Kind Regards,

Winnie Hui



So at least I know it's there :D


BUT should I contact our case officer :?

I can hear "cluck, cluck" in the background :oops:


Good luck






We sent one yesterday too and got EXACTLY the same email from the same person, including bad grammar :) Well, that's one thing laid to rest.


I guess what we need to do now is stop moaning about it. The reason we're so frantic is because our lease expires at the end of this month and I need to know whether or not to renew it. So, we'll give it till friday then renew for another month I think.


Still, I've been very good and haven't moaned *very* much over the past year and a half, so I'm allowed a little splurge at the end ;-)


Cheers and thanks for the support


Choobs and Daisy.

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi Choobs


I think that the question of whether or not to quit your lease is a legitimate question and that you are entitled to explain the problem to your CO, requesting an indication of how much longer she thinks processing your application is likely to take. This is supposed to be a service provided in return for a fee and a helluva lot of sheer hard graft on the part of the applicant, in order to help Australia to overcome a skills shortage, isn't it?





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Hi Choobs


I think that the question of whether or not to quit your lease is a legitimate question and that you are entitled to explain the problem to your CO, requesting an indication of how much longer she thinks processing your application is likely to take. This is supposed to be a service provided in return for a fee and a helluva lot of sheer hard graft on the part of the applicant, in order to help Australia to overcome a skills shortage, isn't it?






Absolutely. Although I'm beginning to suspect the migration process is an experiment run by wizened little men in white coats in an attempt to gauge exactly how much beaurocratic bollocks the average person will tolerate before heading up the nearest clocktower with a high powered rifle.


I can see it now - in market towns all over the uk, people running for cover while a voice bellows "They told me it would be 6-9 months, goddamnit!" <BLAM><BLAM> :)



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Guest Gollywobbler



Shall we experiment with the idea that we are Superbugs which are resistant to every antibiotic? That should scare the geezers in the white coats away. Immigration Is Contagious. It Is Right Up There With TB.


Whilst you are about it, Choobs, whaddya reckon on the Reporter who is allegedly going to 'help us to explore' The Emigration/Re-entry Game? Sounds like tiles dropping off the space shuttle to me, but I claim PMT.





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Shall we experiment with the idea that we are Superbugs which are resistant to every antibiotic? That should scare the geezers in the white coats away. Immigration Is Contagious. It Is Right Up There With TB.


Whilst you are about it, Choobs, whaddya reckon on the Reporter who is allegedly going to 'help us to explore' The Emigration/Re-entry Game? Sounds like tiles dropping off the space shuttle to me, but I claim PMT.






I think it's a cynical attempt to cash in on the suffering and misery of others while presenting a nice politically correct message of "hey, guys, Britain's such a great place all these ex-pats want to come back!" message to the masses.


Really, without the pretty words and promises of help, the message reads "Have you had your dreams shattered and are living in misery? Can we come and film your family so loads of people can think themselves fortunate they don't have your shitty life? We'll pay you!"




Choobs (the old misery)

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