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Visa Tracker


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Do you mean this one? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkrdCphtU8u-dGJQSWROUlZ0bThIaUF2VW9zdUZmMlE&usp? Title of the document is "PLEASE DO NOT SORT OR FILTER".


I can still get in, and notice that someone has changed the sharing options so only a select group of about 50 collaborators can edit and presumably access. Last entry is 18th March, so looks like something happened to the file there or thereabouts.


Let me know if it is this document as I can reset the sharing so anyone with a link can access.



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  • 3 months later...
Does anyone know why the recent visa grants seems to be 95% from India, China & Pakistan - very few grants for any other country?? Thanks xx


Because most of the entries on sheets like that are from people from high risk countries - for some reason the Brits and other 'western' nations seem to have more patience and wait quietly on the sidelines!!

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Because most of the entries on sheets like that are from people from high risk countries - for some reason the Brits and other 'western' nations seem to have more patience and wait quietly on the sidelines!!


thanks @nemisis :) xx

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How are you able to see what visas have been granted? Do you have to have submitted your own application to see that?


this is a PIO online tracker that group members complete on their own, they fill in when they submitted and the date when granted. It doesn't track all visas xx

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