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Australia's "historical low" skills shortages


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Construction is what is basically replacing the economy but a lot of commenced projects where began in boom times or the tail end. WA is heavily in debt already and those are mounting. I agree though the recession may well be deferred a couple of years as a result but see little else to stimulate the economy on that conclusion. The rapture was never going to be rapid after the biggest boom in our modern history.


Underground rail link I will believe when I se it. Same as Light Rail project. Just where will the money come from?


Only one of the 3 mentioned are coming towards the tail end but still has another year or so left in it being Gateway. The stadium is yet to start properly and Elizabeth Quay still has a good bit to go

All the othersare at the early stages or yet to start. Apparently all the finances are in place for the underground rail link and the designers have started and the early stages of land acquisition have commenced. I am quiet confident that it will take place.

The construction boom related to mining infrastructure is over and Barrow Island LNG project is in the final stages but as for metro related projects I am pretty optimistic. I often talk to a lot of people with a bit of behind the scenes knowledge of the proposed projects. Good news for alot of people if/when they go ahead.

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I don't think the prices will reduce much tbh. People still have sky high mortgages to pay. A greed culture ingrained it's way into WA when everyone was carried away with the boom time wages.


On a positive note. The construction market still looks to be a relativaly good shape in Perth with some big projects in the pipeline for 2016 - 2020. My company is predicting 2016 to be an active year.


- Perth Stadium (Current)

- Gateway Roads project (Current)

- Elizabeth Quay (Waterfront) Project

- Freight Link Roe Hwy upgrade (to start 2016)

- Swan Valley Bypass road to the Great Northern Hwy (Malaga to Muchea) to start late 2016

- Mitchell Fwy Extension - Burns Beach Road to Hester Avenue (to start 2016)

- Bayswater to Airport / Airport to Forrestfield underground rail link (to start late 2016)

- And hopefully a start on the lightrail project within the next 4 years which would be good


It'll be very interesting if house prices can be sustained or fall minimally. The jump in rental properties has seen rents decline a little and ad to that a very low return yield on the over priced housing. When immigration continues to fall and more locals seek opportunities elsewhere, note something like a 129 more left WA for other states than arrived, a turn around from boom times, will a clearer picture unfold.

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It'll be very interesting if house prices can be sustained or fall minimally. The jump in rental properties has seen rents decline a little and ad to that a very low return yield on the over priced housing. When immigration continues to fall and more locals seek opportunities elsewhere, note something like a 129 more left WA for other states than arrived, a turn around from boom times, will a clearer picture unfold.


Suppose time will tell although when the recession sunk it's teeth in in the UK and the housing market slumped rentals rocketed and so did the rent prices as people couldn't get a mortgage.

A alot of people are leaving Australia though. I personally know 20 that have went back to Ireland and the UK in the last 6 months. They were all doing FIFO and have left with enough cash to buy a house outright back home so not bad going at all for them.

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Suppose time will tell although when the recession sunk it's teeth in in the UK and the housing market slumped rentals rocketed and so did the rent prices as people couldn't get a mortgage.

A alot of people are leaving Australia though. I personally know 20 that have went back to Ireland and the UK in the last 6 months. They were all doing FIFO and have left with enough cash to buy a house outright back home so not bad going at all for them.


Yes I know a few as well. Still the speculative boom in houses is hardly welcome. In the case of WA we are a bit of a one track pony. I personally do not see how prices can be sustained. Saying that just back from a house inspection and loads of people viewing. I suspect the price has come down from a year back. Mid $800,000 s not too bad as things stand for inner city house, well presented with land.

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Originally Posted by

Who the heck is he? Never heard of him...




Some bloke who just rode in a nag from the outback so I've heard. Some are claiming him a prophet. His message is to take the country back 220 years and return it to its original owners. Or at least I think it is.



Not really true on any count..


Nigel Farage is the leader of UKIP, and an actual MEP. UKIP wants out of the EU and all it stands for and attracts an assortment of weirdos (mostly harmless) - a bit like Pauline Hanson, although not nearly so obnoxious. Essentially, he says what many people are saying about the EU - we'd be better off outside its political ambitions and shodl aim for a good trading relationship.


The bloke himself makes no bones about liking a beer and a cigarette - he's married to a german lady. In terms of who I'd prefer to spend time with in a pub 'shooting the ****' it would have to be Nigel Farage - couldn't give Milliband the time of day and as for Cameron...


Farage is not a prophet, nor does he claim to be and his intentions are most certainly NOT to take the county back 220 years.


It will be interesting to see how he does in the election, I doubt he'll do well, but you never know. He's up against this guy:




This is the one who gets my vote.


The best bit of UKIP for me is that they are so terribly non-PC - they openly say things that the rest of us really aren't supposed or even allowed to be thinking, but discuss all the time. Farage's recent remark along the lines of 'given the choice between two equally qualified candidates, an employer should be allowed to give preference to a British born applicant' was deemed racist...although I can't see why.


Unless you live in the UK and experience the nonsense going on with unfettered access to benefits and the abuse of the system, you probably won't understand Farage or UKIP, but he has made the 'establishment' think just a little.



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Yes I know a few as well. Still the speculative boom in houses is hardly welcome. In the case of WA we are a bit of a one track pony. I personally do not see how prices can be sustained. Saying that just back from a house inspection and loads of people viewing. I suspect the price has come down from a year back. Mid $800,000 s not too bad as things stand for inner city house, well presented with land.


I think there has been a slight decrease in property prices but nothing hugely noticable as of yet.


Mid $800's isn't too bad for inner city. Which area / suburb is it in?

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Leederville. Built 70's so not new. Could even be Mount Hawthorn as on the border.


Nice spot. Both nice areas for a coffee or a pint and sought after areas by families and young people.


Not a fan of the Perth 70's style house though. Much prefer the older character homes in those areas although they usually command more $$$

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Originally Posted by

Who the heck is he? Never heard of him...




Some bloke who just rode in a nag from the outback so I've heard. Some are claiming him a prophet. His message is to take the country back 220 years and return it to its original owners. Or at least I think it is.



Not really true on any count..


Nigel Farage is the leader of UKIP, and an actual MEP. UKIP wants out of the EU and all it stands for and attracts an assortment of weirdos (mostly harmless) - a bit like Pauline Hanson, although not nearly so obnoxious. Essentially, he says what many people are saying about the EU - we'd be better off outside its political ambitions and shodl aim for a good trading relationship.


The bloke himself makes no bones about liking a beer and a cigarette - he's married to a german lady. In terms of who I'd prefer to spend time with in a pub 'shooting the ****' it would have to be Nigel Farage - couldn't give Milliband the time of day and as for Cameron...


Farage is not a prophet, nor does he claim to be and his intentions are most certainly NOT to take the county back 220 years.


It will be interesting to see how he does in the election, I doubt he'll do well, but you never know. He's up against this guy:




This is the one who gets my vote.


The best bit of UKIP for me is that they are so terribly non-PC - they openly say things that the rest of us really aren't supposed or even allowed to be thinking, but discuss all the time. Farage's recent remark along the lines of 'given the choice between two equally qualified candidates, an employer should be allowed to give preference to a British born applicant' was deemed racist...although I can't see why.


Unless you live in the UK and experience the nonsense going on with unfettered access to benefits and the abuse of the system, you probably won't understand Farage or UKIP, but he has made the 'establishment' think just a little.





Oh I have an idea what's going on in UK. Even experienced deep darkest Norfolk on more than a few occasions. Some of those pubs up your parts can be scary places. Even the fine city of Norwich came across some very dubious characters and welcoming to outsiders. Pleasant city though. Love The Norfolk Broads. Great Yarmouth rather take or leave.


I have said my tuppence worth on other threads with regards Farage. A party bound to implode if ever I saw one. Sadly a fag in one hand and can of Tennets in the other does not a leader make. I do share certain concerns but fear no saviour in sight yet.

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Nice spot. Both nice areas for a coffee or a pint and sought after areas by families and young people.


Not a fan of the Perth 70's style house though. Much prefer the older character homes in those areas although they usually command more $$$


Well built. Unable of course to check state of roof tiles. Very attractive amount of acreage with house though. Easily develop plot into two houses if so the desire. Yes many come at way over a million $ as things stand. Value far from assured with property as it is.

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Hate to tell you this, but you're neighbour is a drug dealer.


"That's what they love to say about the Eastern Europeans, making out the British are a bunch of lazy slobs and will sit on the dole while there are jobs a plenty"


err yeah Britain has created a new generation who are better of not working...my neighbour who hasn't worked for the 7 years i have lived in my house ...rocked up in a £25,000 car last week...paid for by the state, classic example of someone who wont do that minimum wage job any more because they are better of on the dole (fact)....and the emigrants taking the jobs are far better value from an employers prospective, they will turn up every day, work hard, and better!


i also find it hard to believe that a government will allow skilled visa's for jobs that do not exist...???


PS..my dad was an emigrant to this country in the 1960's..and the same Sh!T applied!





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