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Job Hunting - Melbourne or Brisbane


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Hi All,


Quite specific questionan but I hope the forum community can help:


My wife and I are looking to move to Aus early summer but cannot decide on the place. Wife is GIS Technician and asset managment (geography and spatial mapping), I am service manager and team manager in same category (GIS). Can anyone share their opinion on which city would be better Brisbane or Melbourne. I have already checked seek and indeed and the market is slighlty larger in Melbourne.



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Hi and welcome to the forum. I think Melbourne would probably have more opportunities in that line of work but personally i would be / enquiring /applying with company's in both States to see what response you get.

Lots of luck with everything


Cal x

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Hi and welcome to the forum. I think Melbourne would probably have more opportunities in that line of work but personally i would be / enquiring /applying with company's in both States to see what response you get.

Lots of luck with everything


Cal x


Cal, Thanks for the reponse. My worrie is that 1. applying from abroad is not recomended (but I will try) and 2. if we decide on one place it is difficult to change: relocation, rental, pet transport.



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True but not having a State meet your expectations can happen regardless so i wouldn't dwell too much on that personally.

Applying from Australia is definately better but many people 'test the water' and see what response they get before actually deciding on a State to move to, so again worth thinking about sending out a few e-mails to places or giving places a call to see if they would be interested in anyone with your qualifications.


Cal x

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Recommend you caste the net to every state capital in Australia and not just Brisbane and Melbourne.


Brisbane mining / CSG industry has shrunk in recent years and companies continue to shed staff. You might get something with QLD state government (DNRM or another state department), but it will be v competitive.


Can't speak for Melbourne.


Good luck.

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Hi All,


Quite specific questionan but I hope the forum community can help:


My wife and I are looking to move to Aus early summer but cannot decide on the place. Wife is GIS Technician and asset managment (geography and spatial mapping), I am service manager and team manager in same category (GIS). Can anyone share their opinion on which city would be better Brisbane or Melbourne. I have already checked seek and indeed and the market is slighlty larger in Melbourne.




What type of organisation do you think you would work for? E.g. Corporate or government? For the former, I would have thought Sydney your best bet.

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What type of organisation do you think you would work for? E.g. Corporate or government? For the former, I would have thought Sydney your best bet.



We both have experience in both but personally corporate for me. My wife is not fond of Sydney hence it is not on the list however eventually we may consider it.

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