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Trouble finding "Aged Parent 804 form" on "Immi account"...


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Hi all,


Long time no speak to some.


I'm having an issue trying to actually find and fill in the Aged Parent (non contributory) 804 form for the MIL on her "immi account" page.


Below is the 804 on the immi website:




Which states "Apply here" but all that does is take you to the fillable in PDF, which you can fill in and save onto your desktop (but not the actual immi account page)


My issue is, once we have logged into the Immi account there is no where to actually find and commence the 804 form. the only options available are the most common ones. (you can click find visas but all this does is take you to the homepage again....)


Does anyone know how to get round this issue? I assume immi are making it tough to actually do as they will (I'm led to believe) be closing this visa option soon (again).


I also note that you cannot commence any of the parent type visas online (in your immi account).


Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, i'm going mad and the clock is ticking....


Many thanks

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Hi Wrussell, I believe its currently 36 years! but the MIL will be applying "onshore"....




You can expect some of the applicants to die waiting, so the wait might be less then even 30 years.

It is also possible that the minister might 'cap and cease' them. This was good for a laugh last time it happened.



Under section 39 of the Act, the minister has the power to set the maximum number of visas of a class that may be granted in a particular financial year. The cap and cease provision means that when a cap has been reached for a particular visa class, work on all applications which have not been processed to decision stops and the files are closed. These applications are treated as if they have not been submitted. This provision is only used in exceptional circumstances.



Please don't tell me I put 'only' in the wrong place, the above was a cut and past from the DIBP.



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