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Need Urgent Job Advice in Melbourne


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hi everybody . I came MElbourne a month ago. I have a whv but I couldn't find a job yet. I need your advice immidiately. Which kind of jobs I need to apply? I got all Rsa, Rfh, Rfg, and Barista certificates but still nothing. please I need your recomandations

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I have my barista and yes I physically visited the places ...and rang and chased up my resume ,,,the thing is you need experience not just the tickets unless you are prepared to lie on ya resume which I am not ....it gets on my pip when people u carnt be looking or there's tons of jobs ect...there is not tons of jobs available lots of people looking for same thing ....if u av experience u better off knowing someone in that industry but easier said than done when uve not been here long ....I was reading on fb other day hasn't my son done well ...been in oz a few week and got a job ...yes he's done well because it was his father who's business it is and he's give him the job ! ...I've gone cleaning I'm bored out my tree if u r prepared to get on ya hands and knees sweat like a pig there plenty of cleaning going :) I love cleaning but that's me lol :) good luck

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Yes actually I have visited caffees and here is the problem what does it matter if I had experience or not because they ddidn't even call me back for an interview. Nobody interested.[/


lots of people looking for same thing ...if u have no experience or ya older not interested because they want pay peanuts for young ones unless you are experienced , a lot of people applying will not be easy .

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it's who you know, find a way to socialise with people.

Australia can also be extremely racist, especially in big companies. try to hang out with people from your own race, they will find work for you, and tinker with your resume to get you into good jobs.

i am lining myself up for a right bashing by saying this so i hope you appreciate it!

in my defence, it's the Australia i've seen in my couple of years here, and as much as i haven't taken my own advice yet, i will be soon, finding my next job is turning out to be so hard!

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No disrespect to u flyby night ....but that's the problem in Australia ....everybody is tinkering with their cvs ....I understand what you are saying though ...but it's not right ....thing is with australia it will never develop as a country with that attitude of who ya know ...because they r missing out on good people ....and they r sodding off elsewhere :) I don't mean baristas lol :)

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Ducky it's nothing to do with race really ...I don't know exactly what it is even ya own sort will stab u in the back as much as look at ya ...ya get shot down by ya own sort for having a opinion then they all gang up behind the scenes s because they sick of hearing your opinion and u get deleted. By ya own sort ! I don't go out socialising here nomore my husband is my best friend I trust no one ...well maybe one or two but that's my limit lol :) have you tried kitchen hands ...it gets u a foot in the door ...I had a interview at a coffee shop but as soon as I told her my age her tune changed ...she was concerned of me being able lift tables in and out lol in in my early forties I'm not a geriatric ....personally I think they wanted a younger model because of the wages . I tried coffee club ...zafaras ...I tried pubs gaming ....is there any bingos near you try them because they have diners and bars ect...I got a job at a bingo but they were bullies ....ya help a old man out as he's the customer and ya told not to help him out because he's horrible man.....I still helped him out he had done nothing to me ...but I didn't stick it because the staff were vile ...like b smith out of cell block H lol :)

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Yes the people from my race can give me job but then here is the question why did I come au? Still hanging out with my race and talk my language??

Well if that's what you have to do,so be it.Look at it as a temporary thing ok?You have to start somewhere and if you're as keen as you say you are to start working,I'd be taking anything,even if its a "crap"type job.Besides that,you don't know where it might lead to right?:wink:

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Yes the people from my race can give me job but then here is the question why did I come au? Still hanging out with my race and talk my language??


If that's the case grab their hands off - you can still socialise with travellers from al over the world and with a little experience other opportunities will open up.

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Sorry but its true you need experience and not just you, Aussies have the same problem when students they need the experience to get into the supermarket the pub or whatever to get a part time job. Also if you read the article I put up yesterday which was in the Age, there are not lots of unskilled jobs around. If there were we would not have such high youth unemployment in Melbourne and its dire. I know this is true because my daughter unfortunately became very ill years ago and she had to be on disability for a couple of years whilst having treatment. When she wanted to return to the work force it was very very difficult and she had two degrees, all the certificates from when she was a student etc. If you know someone and they offer you a job take it. That is the only sure way of getting one quickly unless you have the experience. A lot of jobs are word of mouth and they always have been. When I moved from the CBD to work in the suburbs it was word of mouth how I got my jobs and who you know.

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With cafe work, experience is very highly valued. Without any experience of real work in that environment then the employer is taking a risk, a potentially costly risk, by employing you. It's an industry which needs really good service from its employees which comes with experience. A few bad reviews on Urbanspoon or Yelp can damage a small business dependent on continued loyalty from its customers.


Getting a foot in the door is the best starting point.


Having all the necessary tickets is a bonus but be prepared to do general cafe stuff like dishwashing or table running in the meantime.


There is often a lot of staff movements especially around the time of semester start/stop near university areas as previous cafe workers leave to find jobs in their "real" chosen profession.


Keep visiting cafes with your resume around these times. And if you can find ANY kind of experience in the food industry in your past, then get it on your resume.

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I have cafe experience from uk bingo halls ...and bar work experience and treasury ...book sales ...so that gives you customer service experience ....they say if you are applying for barista it's different ...to be fair there is a skill in it it's not what everyone thinks just pouring a cup of coffee , but I would love that job and it wouldn't take long to pick it up niether wouldn't be rocket science ...and I'm very fast at everything I've done before aswell .


it isn't about race ...ok u might get the odd one or two that are anti pom or whatever ....but my oh works for a australian owned company and they are all ozzies no poms he's the only one ....granted he got the job because he worked with the gm and he phoned him up when he was looking ....but you still need the experience and the quals that won't be based on just because he knows him it will be based on he new what he was capable of ....but my son has just got a job , given a number off someone he knew but was honest that he never done it before and the boss said he's willing give him the chance on 3 month probation period which is the same for most jobs ...then it's full time after so I'm really pleased been a long time coming .


And he's doing really well so I'm chuffed and he likes it .



I was was reading a article otherday which I was disgusted by ...it was a australian doctor who told her trainee nurses if you subjected to sexual abuse in the work force by surgeons go along with it and keep your mouth shut or you won't get a job ....this trainee whistle blew ...but couldn't get a job in nursing australia wide after which is disgusting .


That at poor trainee must of been scared to death ....this doctor said she would of been better giving him a blow job and keeping her mouth shut ....well if it was me I would of give him a blow job alright and bit it bloody cock off and exposed the dirty swine for what he was I'm disgusted that goes on in a proffesional like that !

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the good thing here is that the truths are coming out.


it's a reality check moment, for all of us me included.


if you are the only honest resume on the pile, you may indeed be the strongest candidate, but you will never get an interview.

that resume needs to get you noticed above all the liars and cheats, that means if you can do it but have no experience, you are economical with the latter.

everyone else is, do you want the interview or not?


it's pretty much gospel, whistleblowers never work in their chosen industry again. yes there are laws and regulations etc, they don't mean sh1t.

if you whistleblow, think about what you're gonna do next first.


have a look around the industry you would like to work in, is it filled with one race? from what i see here in Australia, certain races seem to 'tie up' certain jobs. this isn't an insult more of an observation.

i would therefore assume, quite literally if you're face doesn't fit......

with this in mind i'd try to 'go with the flow' a bit, you may have more luck.


you can try to be whiter than white, with a perfectly balanced and honest resume, and a non-corrupt view of employment.

however with this view, you may find yourself being interviewed more out of luck than skill, likely for a job way below your talents and worth.

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I understand what u saying flyby night . I really do ...I still think it's morally wrong and I don't follow sheep never have and never will . I did whistle blow in uk ...a carer slapped a service user not once but twice ....I whistle blew ...yes it got swept under the carpet I was told ...do u realise how long that carer as worked for us ....my reply was I don't give a monkies how long she's worked for u I know what I saw ....I am there to make a service users day not to make it a misery ....I know what goes on don't worry ...


I also whistle blew on a manager of a bingo hall with 30 yrs service he got the sack I kept my job he was stealing out of treasury ....workers new but to scared to speak up ....I understand why too scared of losing there jobs ! I also whistle blew on a supermarket manager for stealing stock he also got sacked ...I had to give evidence in front of a panel at head office I kept my job in uk ! ....the carer one did make my life a misery after I still kept my job though but I asked for a transfer to another care home which was fine ....i went on the sick at first ...then the manager visited me and deep down she believed me but her hands were tied ...I still don't think it's right though ....lol but I understand what ya saying ....the way I look at things what if that was my mother or gran being cared for a treated like **** and no one spoke up for them so wrong in my book and I get so frustrated x

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You indicated in your earlier post that you have been unsuccessful due to lack of experience. Yet you have now updated that to indicate that you do indeed have experience from bingo halls and bar work.


You need to highlight that along with the values associated with customer service, cash handling etc etc.

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You indicated in your earlier post that you have been unsuccessful due to lack of experience. Yet you have now updated that to indicate that you do indeed have experience from bingo halls and bar work.


You need to highlight that along with the values associated with customer service, cash handling etc etc.



I have the the certificate for barista I haven't the experience in a barista ...that's what I mean ...I have experience in bingo halls diner and bars , treasury , customer service same principle to me ....it is all highlighted on my cv ...I have worked in shops ...coach hostess on national express , petrol stations . Warehouse driving a lollop order picking ...,I even applied for cleaning FIFO nice reply though ...well it was drive in drive out ....I could do the job if someone give me the oppertunity ...it is highlighted Hun still no luck I even put my photo on my cv so they know when I say I'm 40 odd they know I'm no geriatric lol still nothing ...woollies bunning masters I've applied ....oh well their loss lol :):) I have worked in the bingo halls for six /7 yrs thousands of people coming through the doors every week and fri sat night alone were over a thousand ....in bingo halls in uk you are trained to be multi skilled on each department ....here it's as if u get Pigieon holed and people stick to one thing ...x barista you carnt say you've got experience when I only sat the barista course over a couple of days and the coffee art course ...I might have the ticket but it doesn't really count lol :)

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hi everybody . I came MElbourne a month ago. I have a whv but I couldn't find a job yet. I need your advice immidiately. Which kind of jobs I need to apply? I got all Rsa, Rfh, Rfg, and Barista certificates but still nothing. please I need your recomandations


There is lots of people r in melbourne looking for unskilled or semiskilled jobs. If some ond helps you to got job or you should visit employers . Such as legon st. Area. Probably this will help you.

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