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Question re: Validating Partner Visa


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I'm an Australian citizen living in the UK since 2010 and my Partner and I have been living together since Dec 2011(he's a UK citizen).


I've always been very keen to go back to Australia, so we're now working out how to apply for a Partner Visa for him (309/100). I understand that this is going to take 12 - 14 months and that if his visa is granted he'll have 12 months from the date of the Medical or Police Check to validate the visa.


We've been working out our finances and we want to save enough cash to take with us for rent, car, food and living expenses for us to live on for a few months while we find work. Also to pay for shipping our furniture and all the other costs involved.


We want to apply as soon as possible, but I'm not sure if we'll have enough time to save the amount of cash which we'll need if we only have approx. 18 months before the visa is granted.


I've seen that people go on holiday to validate the visa instead of moving to Australia straight away and I thought this might be an option to give us longer to save more money, but I'm a bit unclear on what happens after that. i.e. how long would we have after validating the visa before having to move to Australia permanently?


We were thinking a possible plan might be to go on holiday to Australia to validate the visa, then come back to the UK & carry on working to save more money before moving permanently.

Am I correct in thinking that if he is granted the permanent residency straight away, then we would have 5 years to move permanently? (We've been living together for more than 3 years, so we're hoping he's eligible for permanent straight away ).


If they only give him the temporary visa and we do the validation trip - does anyone know how long we would have before we had to move to Australia permanently in that case?


I hope that makes sense! Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank You.

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I'm an Australian citizen living in the UK since 2010 and my Partner and I have been living together since Dec 2011(he's a UK citizen).


I've always been very keen to go back to Australia, so we're now working out how to apply for a Partner Visa for him (309/100). I understand that this is going to take 12 - 14 months and that if his visa is granted he'll have 12 months from the date of the Medical or Police Check to validate the visa.


We've been working out our finances and we want to save enough cash to take with us for rent, car, food and living expenses for us to live on for a few months while we find work. Also to pay for shipping our furniture and all the other costs involved.


We want to apply as soon as possible, but I'm not sure if we'll have enough time to save the amount of cash which we'll need if we only have approx. 18 months before the visa is granted.


I've seen that people go on holiday to validate the visa instead of moving to Australia straight away and I thought this might be an option to give us longer to save more money, but I'm a bit unclear on what happens after that. i.e. how long would we have after validating the visa before having to move to Australia permanently?


We were thinking a possible plan might be to go on holiday to Australia to validate the visa, then come back to the UK & carry on working to save more money before moving permanently.

Am I correct in thinking that if he is granted the permanent residency straight away, then we would have 5 years to move permanently? (We've been living together for more than 3 years, so we're hoping he's eligible for permanent straight away ).


If they only give him the temporary visa and we do the validation trip - does anyone know how long we would have before we had to move to Australia permanently in that case?


I hope that makes sense! Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank You.


Hi, Simple answer is 5 years.

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He can come and go as he pleases for five years from the date of visa grant, so long as it is validated of course.


And if you can prove three years of defacto relationship, then he will get the permanent visa straight away.

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Sounds like you have thought all this through but bear in mind the cost of the visa and associated costs plus the trip itself to validate will set you back quite a bit. Presumably it is concern about further future tightening of rules that is making you apply now. If not why not just hold off applying for the visa for now until you have a more certain emigration date?

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If not why not just hold off applying for the visa for now until you have a more certain emigration date?

I presume the processing times of over a year might have some bearing - if/when the couple decide to emigrate, they may not want to have to wait a further year and a half whilst everything gets processed.

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I would submit your visa application at the end of May, it'll take a few weeks to be lodged and allocated a case officer, that way you'll safe guard yourself with this years visa price as I'm sure they change every july (along with the rules and timeframes) it's very unlikely you'll get the visa approved quicker than 12 months,

Also to prolong your latest date of entry submit the medicals and police checks later than when your case officer asks for them, your case officer will contact you saying something along the lines of "please submit a police check and complete a medical no earlier than xx/xx/xxxx, so my interpretation on that is if they asked you to do a medical after 01/06/15 you could submit a police check and medical on the 01/10/15 meaning when your visa is granted you'd need to validate the visa before 01/10/16 so if you play it right you could have nearly 2 years to save from the time you submit to the time you need to validate,

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Thank you all for your replies - it's put my mind at rest a bit regarding the five years. Thanks StevenLozza - what you suggested is pretty close to what we were originally thinking of doing!!

I guess the main thing we will need to decide is whether it's worth the cost of doing the validating trip because of the loss of savings & how long it'll take us to save that money again.

The information is really helpful and much appreciated, so thanks again.

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