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Advice on moving to Perth - suburbs, job opps


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Hi folks,


Disclosure upfront: I'm a proud paddy (aren't we all?) rather than a pom but hope I can still get some get pointers here about possibly moving to Perth in the next 12 months or so. Predominantly about job opportunities and suburbs.


About me:

Age: a young 41

Dual citizenship (Aussie & Paddy)

Currently live in Sydney (returned 4 years ago)

Have a beautiful young daughter (<1) who lives with her mum in Perth (don't ask - been a nightmare but safe to say we will not be getting back together)


I have lived in Sydney for c. 11 out of the last 16 years so reasonably well versed in Australian ways, culture, money etc but don't really know too much specifically about Perth (although I've had to visit a lot in the last year but didn't get to do too much visiting)


I work in finance in financial services (Head office), CIMA qualified and earn a very good salary (mid 100s) and have a great life in Sydney. c.15 years experience mostly in management reporting, commercial decision support, a bit of strategy etc. My impression is that most FS opportunities are Sydney or Melbourne (Head offices of big 4, most intl banks, insurance companies etc) but am open to correction and am interested to hear from anybody who has local insights. I am open to a change of industry too but not sure how open employers are (they tend to pigeon hole you, FS want FS, fmcg want fmcg, resources want resources etc). Potentially open to a change of career also to something related, maybe lecturing. Any employment thoughts, comments welcome and will be appreciated.


For those that know Sydney, I live in Balmain which is a great suburb close to the city but with it's own village which is very vibrant, lots of cafes, restaurants, decent old school pubs etc It was a working class suburb that has been gentrified in the last 15 years or so but isn't overly pretentious (I'm open to correction but maybe something like Subiaco). Balmain has a great community feel with everything within walking distance and people say hello etc. I'm involved with the local footie team too (>2,000 members from kids up to o45s). It's mixture of professionals & tradies. I'm looking for Perth's Balmain (if it exists). I have some extended family in Greenwood but probably a bit too suburban for me. I would be interested in people's thoughts specifically about Subiaco & surrounding suburbs. Would like to know a bit more about Wembley, Mount Hawthorn, Osborne park, Glendalough, Mount Lawton, or anywhere else relevant (maybe south of the river). Love Freo, probably a bit too far out for me but love that type of vibe. Again, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


As you have probably guessed, the reason for considering the move is to be closer to and spend more time with my daughter (& hopefully get to 50% care in time). However I will need to build a life for myself also so probably not suburbia. I'm fairly social and would probably join an o35s footie team for the social side.


Thanks all for reading and for your insights.


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Subiaco sounds like it would fit your bill Collie. It's a bit on the pricey side but might not seem too bad coming from Sydney. Freo would be good too, I was down there last night catching up with a friend from Canberra who's over on business. It was really busy with a nice vibe, good beer and food in Little Creatures Brewery too. We live a long way North and every time me and the wife go down we say we should do it more often. We live up near Hillary's and there's always something close by, so a trip to Freo takes a bit too long.


Other places that might fit the bill are Leederville, Perth itself (it's improved immensely over the last few years). Don't really know much about Osborne Park but I don't think it's as nice as Subi.


Good luck.

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Subiaco / Wembley - Got Pattersons stadium, but that's moving soon. Has the cafe strip type deal.


Mount Hawthorn - More suburban.

Osborne park / Glendalough - quite industrial in areas.

Mount Lawton - Mt Lawley? Yeah, big Cafe Strip.


Aim for Subi, Leedie (Leederville), East Perth, Mount Lawley, Vic Park. For a city / cafe vibe.

Or Freo (Fremantle), Cott (Cottesloe), Scarbs (Scarbrough) for the ocean / cafe vibe.

Or Applecross, Como, South Perth for the river / cafe vibe.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Well Col, I've been in Perth now for nearly 6 years, and I must warn you..


* Very few people have heard of CIMA (I'm a Fellow of CIMA, and you'd think I was saying I had O level maths)

* The pigeon-holing is way worse than you think - more specific for the background employers are looking for (subsets of the broad areas you mentioned)

* I haven't met one non-Perth person here who wasn't told ' But you haven't got any Perth experience' (multiple times) - one Perth-born chap who lived in London for 10 years told me instead he was told 'you don't have any RECENT Perth experience'

* It is fully expected that you will take a step down in job level to get a foot in the door in Perth

* There are very few large companies' head offices here, so that impacts on the number of senior roles outside of mining & resources

* It seems is like going back to 1985 in terms of latest thinking in performance management.

* The people are too nice for their own good - very few people challenge and almost no-one gives feedback. Excuses are fine. (I realise my experience will not necessarily be typical of all types of organisations, but I'm told that my experience is pretty common, having come from a large FTSE100 UK company in terms of what I was used to)


There are some great companies here, but just not enough of them. There are far more SMEs and 'home-grown' businesses which will be entirely different than the corporate world you might be used to.

And if you want to start your own business or buy a franchise, then you can definitely do that here. (Not my bag - wish it were, kindof).


I actually love Perth, and am gutted that we will have to leave, but it's just not sustainable to impact our careers to the extent that moving here has done.

We're going to move to Melbourne or Sydney (Melbourne, I hope) as soon as our daughter finishes school.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks all and 3go2Perth on the career side. Apologies - I haven't been on the forum recently.


I met up with a recruiter at Easter over there. He seems like a good one, his take was quite similar. He said that 2 years ago it would have been a lot easier but now it's very much an employer's market.


In FS there is only really Bankwest and that seems to be moving to Sydney by stealth, ie somebody leaves in Perth, role is replaced in Sydney. I have applied for a few things outside of FS directly but not made any traction at all. Sydney isn't exactly booming at my level either at the moment, mind you. I finished a contract a few months ago and am finding it very quiet.


If you're available, It would be good to meet for a coffee/drink when I'm over and we can swap notes/perspectives.



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Thanks all and 3go2Perth on the career side. Apologies - I haven't been on the forum recently.


I met up with a recruiter at Easter over there. He seems like a good one, his take was quite similar. He said that 2 years ago it would have been a lot easier but now it's very much an employer's market.


In FS there is only really Bankwest and that seems to be moving to Sydney by stealth, ie somebody leaves in Perth, role is replaced in Sydney. I have applied for a few things outside of FS directly but not made any traction at all. Sydney isn't exactly booming at my level either at the moment, mind you. I finished a contract a few months ago and am finding it very quiet.


If you're available, It would be good to meet for a coffee/drink when I'm over and we can swap notes/perspectives.



Have you tried St George Bank?
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Hi AJ,


Thanks for the thought. St George is owned by Westpac and is pretty much just a brand name now with all back office functions integrated. It's run out of Sydney (Kograh & Kent st)




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