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Any online supermarkets as good as Ocado in Sydney?


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I don't hear many people talking about using an online supermarket to do all their grocery shopping in sydney? In London I rarely went to a supermarket and definitely relied on online deliveries for the big shop, heavy items and getting everything I needed for an event - Ocado was invaluable for that.

Do they even have that kind of service over in Sydney? What are people's recommendations and experiences like of using the online supermarket deliveries like? Is it reliable quality, cost, variety and quality ok?


Thanks again!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest The Pom Queen

I've never even heard of Ocado. Like Maryrose said you can get Coles and Woolworths to deliver, we sometimes use catch of the day for discount basics.

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I used to use Ocado in the UK and have used Coles online here. They are similar but not the same - Coles online is more equivalent to Asda or Tesco online in the UK. They have two hour delivery slots (Woolworths are 3 hours) and the website just doesn't work as well for me. Otherwise customer service has been fine and stuff comes in crates with just a few plastic bags and they will deliver to your kitchen. I don't use it very often though as I prefer to go and pick my own stuff, especially as the supermarket near me is pretty quite when I go.

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I walk up to Coles and get a basket rather than a trolley, then I know I won't have too heavy a load to carry back. If I take the car I have the hassle of opening and closing a succession of doors to and from the garage. I'm glad I made the effort to go to Coles twice this week rather than be lazy and go to convenience stores.I like them but they don't have the fruit I like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks all. Will give Coles online a go...as working 5 days a week I don't get a lot of time for supermarket shopping and was hoping to take the pain out of the week by just having it turn up on my doorstep on a sat morning. Sounds like there is a niche waiting to be filled here with a replica like online service similar to ocado, waitrose-online or even just a sainsburys.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I don't hear many people talking about using an online supermarket to do all their grocery shopping in sydney? In London I rarely went to a supermarket and definitely relied on online deliveries for the big shop, heavy items and getting everything I needed for an event - Ocado was invaluable for that.

Do they even have that kind of service over in Sydney? What are people's recommendations and experiences like of using the online supermarket deliveries like? Is it reliable quality, cost, variety and quality ok?


Thanks again!


Yes used both Coles and Woolworths on line shopping and delivery service. It worked perfectly fine and the delivery slots were plentiful and would be something convenient for most people.


I am am not sure why you mention Ocado in particular, as I understand that is just the Waitrose delivery service in UK? Or does it do something special? There isn't a supermarket equivalent of Waitrose, by that I mean upmarket and expensive..

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Yes used both Coles and Woolworths on line shopping and delivery service. It worked perfectly fine and the delivery slots were plentiful and would be something convenient for most people.


I am am not sure why you mention Ocado in particular, as I understand that is just the Waitrose delivery service in UK? Or does it do something special? There isn't a supermarket equivalent of Waitrose, by that I mean upmarket and expensive..


Perhaps, missing a particular shop/pub/beer/whatever, is a symptom of homesickness or still being unsettled? I vaguely recall, going into Coles or Woolies, just after I returned to Sydney after 12 years back in Hampshire, and thinking 'Very poor, compared to ASDA or Tesco.' But now, six years on, I can't remember what I was 'sniffy' about. The last supermarkets I went into were in New Caledonia and Fiji and they just looked like, well, 'supermarkets.' If I lived there, I would use them, and accept them. 'When in Rome, or Sydney, or wherever......?'

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Yes used both Coles and Woolworths on line shopping and delivery service. It worked perfectly fine and the delivery slots were plentiful and would be something convenient for most people.


I am am not sure why you mention Ocado in particular, as I understand that is just the Waitrose delivery service in UK? Or does it do something special? There isn't a supermarket equivalent of Waitrose, by that I mean upmarket and expensive..


Ocado is definitely not the Waitrose delivery service. They offer (or used to anyway) Waitrose products but they also offer there own brand products as well. Ocado is unique in that it is purely on online grocery delivery service and does not operate any stores. Orders are packed in the Ocado warehouses and then sent out from there. (There may be a stage inbetween as well but I can't remember). Personally having used them a lot I found the online experience far superior to the 'normal' supermarket options (which I had also used). I found the website far easier to use than the other supermarkets and if I had a problem with my order I could claim a refund online. I can't remember how long the other supermarkets in the UK allow you to edit your order but I was able to edit my Ocado one right up until 8pm on a Saturday for delivery before 9am Sunday.


Ocado offer 1 hour delivery slots rather than the two hour slots offered by most (all?) of the others. They also offer delivery slots in half hour options throughout the day so, for example, you can choose to have shopping delivered between 7 and 8 or between 7:30 and 8:30. They were always able to offer early morning Sunday deliveries as well which the supermarkets were not able to. When I lived in the UK I could have my shopping delivered and put away before the other supermarkets would even deliver.


I have used Coles online delivery service and while I have not had any problems with it I don't find it anywhere near as good as the Ocado experience. I was going to use Woolworths but with a three hour delivery slot it just wasn't going to work for me.

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