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invitation letter to citizenship ceremony


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Dear all,


When local council or DIBP send us invitation letter to citizenship ceremony, is there due date to advise authority to attend the ceremony ?


What if we do not RSVP the authority by due date ? Will our appointment of citizenship ceremony be cancelled ? Thanks.


The thing is I just got approval letter, and will like to travel overseas, my friend can help to monitor the mail box , but should I request my friend opening the envelope to check RSVP due date of my ceremony ? Thanks. Steven

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Just ring the local council and tell them you will be going away and might miss the letter so would like to RSVP your place now.

Be aware that the council doesn't get a list of names from the dept until a month before the ceremonies themselves.


We did the opposite.

The OH was due her ceremony in Nov but wanted to wait until the Australia Day one as her parents were going to be visiting.

She rang the council and explained this, they then booked her into the Aussie day one.

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