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Adjusting to life back in the UK


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As others have said don't go with the expectation of having your old life on a plate- you can only move forwards! 6 months will certainly show you both where your priorities lie. I used to do 6 weeks and that was enough to tell me that life there with him was better than life here without him. I now have the luxury of here with him and that's best! However I think he is rapidly coming to see that life in UK with me is better than Aus without me. One of us always has to live with the least worst option. Compromise is key so good luck! 6 months is nothing in a long life!


PS the weather is much better for me - rarely does it stop me doing what I want

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Agree with Quoll, life apart from my husband (he was in the RAF) has been tough, and we have have had to accept that to be together has meant for that one of us, (me) because of the nature of my husbands job, has not always lived where I would want to be, but being together was more important to both of us.

Having experienced living separated from him again because of work for extended periods, from both mine and plenty of others in the same situation, there is a real danger of becoming too independent without each other and then resenting the intrusion back into your life of this other person who makes demands (possibly not quite the right word, but that's how it can feel) on your life and lifestyle.

we have been married for 44 years, but it has taken a lot of work and give and take to stay together after time spent apart.

good luck with your decision.

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Good Luck I hope it works out for you!


My partner and I are in a similar positition - We have lived here with my family (Mom,dad,brother) for nearly 6 years... Where does the time go?


Evan though I have my imidiate family here, I still feel like the UK has this hold over me and has since the day I arrived in Melbourne back in 2009. I know my partner would move back tommorow if he could, Wish I was brave enough to pack and go back....


Keep us updated on how you go! Wish you the best x

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