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Excitement turns to fear ?

louise x x x x x

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So we leave in 4 weeks - ouch

Think the reality of moving half way round the world has hit!

Bearing in mind I have never even visited Australia - I am planning on spending the next 4 years living there (thinking I have gone mad)

My Oh and 2 girls are overly excited, He is even excited about his new job role.

So was I, But now I am scared!

It all feels daunting with so much to do, so many decisions to make (are they the right ones)

Its all becoming overwhelming

Has or is anyone else feeling like this?

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I imagine that it's quite a natural feeling that you're having.. Especially as you've never visited there before. I'm sure it'll all be fine, it's a big step to take.. It's my last day in work next Friday and then i fly on the Monday. We've been many times over the years on holidays, and love it. Just go with an open mind and don't spend the next 4 years wondering what your family and friends are doing back home... Enjoy yourself and embrace your new surroundings..

Good luck with everything.. :wink:

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Definitely normal how you are feeling. I flip from dying with impatience to get there (95% of the time) to thinking what the hell are we doing. There is no middle ground it is the one extreme to the other. But deep down I know its what we want to do. Try to look at it as the adventure it is and enjoy the 4 years, its nothing time wise in the grand scheme of things and what a great opportunity/experience it will be :wubclub:

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Yeah totally agree - I am impatient

its like visa granted lets just get stuck in - then the oh steps in and mind boggles me with questions, what about this, have you thought about this- arghhhh

I am a do - then think about it later person ( not sure if that is good or bad )

Just finding once I have sorted one thing - something new crops up to deal with

Just hoping it all goes well - just so many things still to finalise

but like you said find myself saying am I really moving across the other side of the world? then the "WHAT IF`S" set in.

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Nothing is forever just go with the flow. You'll either love it or you won't. You'll either stay or move on. If it floats your boat then go for more than 4 years, if it doesn't then cut and run. It's just another first world foreign country. Good Luck. Nothing to be scared about.

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When we first emigrated to Oz, we had never even been out of the UK before and it was our first time on an aeroplane. It was all just so awesome and we had no idea what to expect. However, from the very first day I fell in love with Australia and, even though we have ping ponged between there and the UK (mainly due to OH)considerably since, I never lost the excitement of going each time. I do think its more scary if you have children because you have to think about their needs but it sounds like yours are looking forward to it. Some good advice above, especially to just enjoy the 4 years, knowing that you can always go back if it doesn't work out. Hope it does though ....:smile:

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Hi Louise, it's all perfectly normal how you're feeling, 10 months ago we were in exactly the same boat, never been here, uprooting two kids and had all the anxieties and emotions you're feeling, but happy to say 10 months later all going well, not been easy but nothing worth having ever is and the ups certainly outweigh the downs, the kids love it, mums already visited so all good!


Good luck and enjoy the experience, at the end of the day if it isn't for you, you know you gave it a shot and can go home xx

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Well if not we can always jump on the next plane back :smile:

But hopefully we will love it there


We've been in Brisbane for two months now. I'd never been to Australia before either and I can safely say that most people have the 'what am I doing' moment in the run up to leaving. I freaked out loads in the last few weeks in the UK and it seemed like we were never going to get here.


But, two months in and we love it. Hubby's working, son is in school and I start work on Monday next week (although I have another interview this week!). We spend every weekend outside - either on the beach, in the city or just down the park. We didn't know anyone when we got here and have since met up with some lovely people from PIO and from Facebook groups.


Its fab. Feel free to pm me if you want any info. X

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