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Letter for employer sponsor

Louise Henderson

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Hi,my names Louise Henderson and I'm from Glasgow, can anyone help me, we are going through the migration stage (in 2nd part). Anyway it had been suggested that we go for 457 visa, I am trying to write a letter and send it over to someone I know who will put me in touch with prospective employers but I don't know how to word it or what to add in. I am looking for any advice.

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What "2nd part" are you referring to?


Do you have an occupation on one of the occupations lists?


Why were you advised that 457 is the option to "go for"?


You don't really "go for" a 457. An employer has to want you firstly in order for them to subsequently nominate you. Employer has to be an approved sponsoring employer.


Can you meet the requirements for, and apply for a permanent visa?


A common stock answer here is to advise consulting with a migration agent.

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Hi the 2nd part that I was referring to was the skilled assessment in the migration process. I am involved with a migration agent, but recently my skilled occupation has been taken off the occupations list recently. So a friend of my husband has friends in my field of work which is social services, she suggested that I write a letter and add my cv. Then she would try and contact the relevant people to see if they would sponsor me for a 457 visa.

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A cv with cover letter explaining why you are a better prospect than someone local perhaps? Not an easy situation I guess. If I were you, I'd be trying to source prospective employers and then contacting them directly, rather than relying on a 3rd party to make contact for you. It might carry a little more weight if you are seen to be doing this yourself. You don't have any control over the style of approach made by a 3rd party. Just my 2p-worth.


Unfortunately if your occupation is no longer on one of the lists, that would suggest that there is no demand for migrants to fill those vacancies in that profession.


What has your MA suggested?

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Hi, thanks. He has said when I get a positive skilled assessment response then I have to contact him and he'll discuss other options. He had told me before that the occupation skills lost usually changes every July and some take the jobs off and others add th on. I will just need to see what my options are. My husband has family who are now australian citizens in Melbourne who can sponsor us.

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Is your agent MARA registered? It sounds like some of the advice you have had is poor.


You our say your occupation is no longer on the list, but is it still on at least the csol list? It must at least be on here to be eligible for 457 sponsorship.


If if it is on the csol have you checked all the state lists to see if any States are sponsoring that occupation? that would be a far better option than attempting a 457.


You dont normaly need a skills assessment for a 457.


If a 457 is the only option, are you aware this is only a temporary visa? There is no guarantee of becoming permanent and you should enter into it with the assumption you would be only here for a maximum of 4 years - potentially a lot less.


I would suggest you consider speaking to a better agent such as Go Matilda who will do an initial assessment of your options for free.

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If you are looking for employer sponsored visa first thing I'd do straight away is get on Linkedin, start joining australia groups related to your profession, see if there is anyone you know that can link you to people in the same profession in Oz, then start reaching out to people/companies individually.... be prepared though it's not easy, you may get little in terms of responses and it could take some time. It took me 9 months to find someone in a large company to give me a break and offer me 457 sponsorship... What I do know is that in a good number of professions the UK standards are really welcomed, but you need to make sure you've done your research so you can sell yourself and why you would be chosen for a role, often rural locations of such things help for sure.


I'm not sure about whether you do need skills assessment for 457 but I did mine anyway and it lasts for a good number of years, and within the 457 application form it does ask you to demonstrate your skill level, it just depends on your profession whether experience or proof of skills is required.


Honestly, you don't need a MA at this stage, in fact I wouldn't waste my money as if you do go down the 457 route your employer would sort this out for you in most instances (i've not known any that havent) and in terms of keeping you on the right track the guys on here will be able to give some great insights so you can keep moving along the way. Also MA's may hear of jobs coming up, but they can't sell you better than they can sell yourself


Also, if you are on Facebook there are a few groups - pomz wanting oz, pomz in oz and I'm always seeing employers on there offering 457 visas and jobs for different professions, some of them recruitment agents, so would be worth you keeping an eye on those too.


Hope this helps some

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Hi, thanks for advise, I need to check different states to see if my job is on the call list or should I say get my MA to do it. I will have a look at Go Matilda I also went on migration bereau website and got a free migration test last night. So I am waiting on someone calling me. My occupation is social services and I have a background of working with kids so it covers a wide variety of jobs so I'm hopeful that wi help me.

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To tell you the truth I wouldn't be getting your current migration agent to check anything... Any more at all. They should have already looked into all this for you.


I'd tend to agree with this..... What is it you think you need a migration agent for?....... in my experience they are only really necessary when you are struggling with actually getting your visa processed, and more from a place where if you aren't confident in doing this yourself you can lean on their experience.


A migration agent isn't someone who can aid with getting a job, nor would I trust their advice on where you should start looking for jobs, I think this needs to come from you, they can give you the general jist of what they've seen going on in certain industries but to be fair that's something you can get on this forum for free by using everyone elses experiences.


Maybe try a new thread with the title of 'Social Services worker looking for advice' and lay out your current experience, where abouts in oz you are looking to live (if you have a preference) what you've done so far, i.e. skills assessment, qualifications, IELTs or whatever else is useful and then maybe someone in asimilar occupation currently in Oz can help you out with more detail....


I've found the guys on here a great help, from helping me realise I can apply for more than one visa at a time, meeting new people in the local area and even where to look for places to live so just lay it on the table and i'm sure you'll get some good suggestions.

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Just to add to that, if you just type in google the name of a state in Oz and immigration it will bring up the website for the state, if you want to check if you are on the skills shortage for regional/state sponsorship that's all you need to do, its a quick 30min search for all the states (and you'll be more informed than relying on the agent to do this for you). Every state has their own immigration site as they all have different needs,


i just typed in 'immigration WA' and it took me to this site: http://www.migration.wa.gov.au/services/skilled-migration-wa


same applies for the other states..... it also means you can read about the different states to find out which one interests you most too

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