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Louise Henderson

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Everything posted by Louise Henderson

  1. Hi, thanks for advise, I need to check different states to see if my job is on the call list or should I say get my MA to do it. I will have a look at Go Matilda I also went on migration bereau website and got a free migration test last night. So I am waiting on someone calling me. My occupation is social services and I have a background of working with kids so it covers a wide variety of jobs so I'm hopeful that wi help me.
  2. Hi thanks for the advise it's always good to hear from someone who's been there. I will defo join the Facebook pages. What you are saying is like what my husbands friend had mentioned about getting in contact with employers.
  3. Hi, thanks. He has said when I get a positive skilled assessment response then I have to contact him and he'll discuss other options. He had told me before that the occupation skills lost usually changes every July and some take the jobs off and others add th on. I will just need to see what my options are. My husband has family who are now australian citizens in Melbourne who can sponsor us.
  4. Hi the 2nd part that I was referring to was the skilled assessment in the migration process. I am involved with a migration agent, but recently my skilled occupation has been taken off the occupations list recently. So a friend of my husband has friends in my field of work which is social services, she suggested that I write a letter and add my cv. Then she would try and contact the relevant people to see if they would sponsor me for a 457 visa.
  5. Hi,my names Louise Henderson and I'm from Glasgow, can anyone help me, we are going through the migration stage (in 2nd part). Anyway it had been suggested that we go for 457 visa, I am trying to write a letter and send it over to someone I know who will put me in touch with prospective employers but I don't know how to word it or what to add in. I am looking for any advice.
  6. Hi, We have started the process to migrate to Australia, we're in the 2nd stage of migration and i have to do the ielts test. Has anyone got any tips for the test.
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