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Project/Program Administrator - will it be re-opened?


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I Just got my Vet +ve and waiting for the occupation 511112-Project administrator or Program Administrator, to be opened. Can one tell me what are the chances of the occupation being opened and if yes, when could I expect the occupation to be opened.

Quick resposne is much appreciated

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Western Australia have it on their list but as a Schedule 2 occupation so you would need a contract of employment to be eligible.


Beyond that, there's simply no way of knowing when (or if) an occupation will surface of any of the state lists - that will depend entirely on future demand in each state.

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Thanks a lot for very much for the prompt response. Could you please advice me on the minimum IELTS score requirement for the occupation Project administrator -511112. I am concerned as I have obtained overall score as 6.5---the break up is writing 6, listening 6.5, reading 6 and speaking 6.5. Is this score breakup sufficent to be eligible for the occupation?




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If you've gotten a positive skills assessment, your IELTS results must have been sufficient from that perspective. So now it's a matter of whether your IELTS gives you enough points to be eligible for your visa subclass. If you have at least 60 points with your IELTS results, then you're fine.

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Who can say whether this will be re-opened. But I would make the observation that over the past 3-4 years there have been lots of public servants laid off across Australia, many of whom would have project and program administration skills, whilst demand for their skills has reduced.

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Have you considered looking for sponsorship, I came over in January for the same project/programme administrator with a background in project management and secured a 457 visa..... it wasn't easy i'm not going to lie, as for about 9 months i just kept annoying some of the big companies for a role, talking up the uk experience as in the uk in a lot of ways we are miles ahead of the times.... eventually got a break in a major telco company over here and they were willing to do the 457 visa..... so if you've got some good experience you could really sell yourself to get over.


Otherwise, I think that you'd struggle if you are waiting for it to come up on the list to apply for an independent visa because there is a saturation of project type roles over here, and a great deal of people do contracting so they can earn a packet, I do know if i'd came over on a whv I would have struggled to get a role anywhere and speaking to recruitment agencies now it's a very tough area to get a role in unless you have some experience that stands you apart from the rest.


Hope this helps a bit

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Thank you all for the prompt response.


Jdad84, hope you are doing fine. I am now worried after reading your response. Could you please throw some light on what you meant by " consider looking at sponsership". I dont think, that I could gain any sponsership, as I have no blood relation living in Australia. However, I have a few friends living in Australia and I am not sure if they could be of any help to me. And I have no offers letters from any employers. Firstly, I am not sure the ways to apply for the positions on the Aus. gov.websdite for openings. Do I need to first secure a PR/Visa to apply for positions?


Another quick question. Just in case, I get the PR for the occupation, Project administrator, Would I not be able to look out of for openings in any other occupations in Aus. like in accounty etc.?


I request to all the members in the group top help me wioth your valuable advices and help me in making my visa processing smoother.




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Thank you all for the prompt response.


Jdad84, hope you are doing fine. I am now worried after reading your response. Could you please throw some light on what you meant by " consider looking at sponsership". I dont think, that I could gain any sponsership, as I have no blood relation living in Australia. However, I have a few friends living in Australia and I am not sure if they could be of any help to me. And I have no offers letters from any employers. Firstly, I am not sure the ways to apply for the positions on the Aus. gov.websdite for openings. Do I need to first secure a PR/Visa to apply for positions?


Another quick question. Just in case, I get the PR for the occupation, Project administrator, Would I not be able to look out of for openings in any other occupations in Aus. like in accounty etc.?


I request to all the members in the group top help me wioth your valuable advices and help me in making my visa processing smoother.





sponsorship referred to here means a company willing to sponsor you for a temporary 457 visa...this is a visa that allows companies to bring in a worker for a short term posits usually 2 years (and then they pay for your flight home). As it is a short tem visa there are not as many hoops to jumpy through as a PR visa. However you need a company to sponsor you and that usually means a big company. Govnment jobs are out but the previous poster indicated a telco. Telcos are in the transition stage moving jobs offshore and downsizing so that is why temp workers are more idea....no need to deal with redundancies etc.

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sponsorship referred to here means a company willing to sponsor you for a temporary 457 visa...this is a visa that allows companies to bring in a worker for a short term posits usually 2 years (and then they pay for your flight home). As it is a short tem visa there are not as many hoops to jumpy through as a PR visa. However you need a company to sponsor you and that usually means a big company. Govnment jobs are out but the previous poster indicated a telco. Telcos are in the transition stage moving jobs offshore and downsizing so that is why temp workers are more idea....no need to deal with redundancies etc.


The 457 visa allows employers to sponsor for up to 4 years, not 2. Visa applicants often are able to then apply for a PR visa either on their own, or through further employer sponsorship, but this is absolutely NOT guaranteed to be successful or offered (by employers) so the 457 visa should only be considered a temporary visa. Sponsors may be either large or small companies.

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Thank you all for the prompt response.


Jdad84, hope you are doing fine. I am now worried after reading your response. Could you please throw some light on what you meant by " consider looking at sponsership". I dont think, that I could gain any sponsership, as I have no blood relation living in Australia. However, I have a few friends living in Australia and I am not sure if they could be of any help to me. And I have no offers letters from any employers. Firstly, I am not sure the ways to apply for the positions on the Aus. gov.websdite for openings. Do I need to first secure a PR/Visa to apply for positions?


Another quick question. Just in case, I get the PR for the occupation, Project administrator, Would I not be able to look out of for openings in any other occupations in Aus. like in accounty etc.?


I request to all the members in the group top help me wioth your valuable advices and help me in making my visa processing smoother.





Hey Krishna.....


- As one of the other posters confirmed, sponsorship is what you would require for a 457 and this means a company is willing to sponsor you to carry out a role for a maximum of a 4 year period, within this time you can then look to transition to a PR.

- I'm not sure what you mean by applying for jobs on the aus gov website, you can certainly log an EOI in Skillselect for your occupation for either employer or state nomination - for the particular job type though i think you'd struggle to get an offer in this way, you would spend your time better approaching companies directly and looking at jobs on seek.com.au contacting companies directly and asking if they would consider sponsoring you.

- If you get sponsorship for project/programme administrator you would need to work for the company who sponsors you and work within the role your visa stipulates..... you can work in different industries in the same role, if a company sponsors you for the role but you can't start working as an accountant or a different role type as the visa entitles you to work in your specified role only. If you are qualified in something else though, you could always get your skills assessed and look for sponsorship in that role.

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