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Homesick already!


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So after a years planning we arrived in Melbourne in mid-July, I really enjoyed myself in August and most of September and was convinced that we made the right decision to move.


Then I managed to get sunburned (not too badly, just a little red cheeked) the last weekend of September and first weekend of October. Now I'm dreading the Aussie Summer, everyone keeps telling I'm going to get badly burnt this summer and my feeling is that if I spend the whole summer inside or in my shaded garden I might as well have stayed in the UK.


Whats really annoying is that I've followed "Slip, Slap, Slop", worn good quality shades and actively sought shade in the middle of the day and I've still ended up with red cheeks. Also, I've never burned before despite being very outdoorsy and that includes previous trips to Oz and SA.

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........just go out for short times to start with.....!

.......usual precautions.....

........but take your time.....

........you can still enjoy the sunshine........just build up to longer exposure....

.........and enjoy the morning and late afternoon sun.......less harsh.....ime......!

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Thanks for the advice, I've got and wear a wide brimmed hat and apply sunscreen when ever I go out at the weekend.


I was wearing Banana Board Sports SPF30+ first time I got burned, Cetaphil 50+ the second time! Now I've got some InvisibleZinc 50+ for this weekend...



.......sometimes if the sunscreen is overprotective.....

.......when you forget you will burn...!

.......your better with a lessor factor ......and less exposure....!

.......I've lived south of the equator most of my life......

.......and found this works best.......

.......the aim is not to burn.....

........many forget how long sunscreen lasts......and this is when the problem happens.....

.........learn how long is safe for you.....

.........a little sun......and then more often........just a thought...!

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Ah thanks Tink, one question I've been trying to find an answer to is "Will my skin develop a greater ability to handle the sun over time?"


I've been trying to limit time outside but my Zimbabwean gf is always desperate to be outside in the sun.


......unfortunately yes...!

......but the sun damages your skin.....!

......so beware.....!

......it's better to have less exposure during the harsh sun.......

.......even after many years......it's possible to burn.....!

.......enjoy it in the safe times........use your screen and hat......

.......but mostly.....know when your skin has had enough............!

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Understood, I'm just desperate to find something that works for me otherwise I'll have to give up and go home.




.....are you very fair skinned....?

.....if so you just have to adapt.......

.....my red headed son ,if careful doesn't burn......

.....though he grew up here so is used to the sun....

.....he wears a hat and screen if he's out in the middle of the day.....

.....but not mornings or afternoons...!

.....enjoy the sun when it suits you..........!

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Hopefully I'll learn to cope with it before we go back to the UK in 2016!


Reads like you're just looking for excuses to go back early....

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Then I managed to get sunburned (not too badly, just a little red cheeked) the last weekend of September and first weekend of October. Now I'm dreading the Aussie Summer, everyone keeps telling I'm going to get badly burnt this summer and my feeling is that if I spend the whole summer inside or in my shaded garden I might as well have stayed in the UK.


Whats really annoying is that I've followed "Slip, Slap, Slop", worn good quality shades and actively sought shade in the middle of the day and I've still ended up with red cheeks. Also, I've never burned before despite being very outdoorsy and that includes previous trips to Oz and SA.


When do you slip, slap, slop? Do you know that it takes half an hour for sunscreen to "settle" before it has any effect at all? So if you slap it on and go straight outdoors, you'll get a full 30 minutes' exposure before the sunscreen starts to work - more than enough to burn!!


The sun here may feel very similar to the UK or Europe but the intensity (UV index) is much, much higher - that's why you're burning now but didn't before. Make sure you're using sunscreen properly (as stated above), and make sure it's SPF30. No real point in SPF50 - the extra benefit gets less and less the higher the number.


If you're sweating at all, make sure it's sweat resistant and reapply every few hours.


Last question - is it definitely sunburn and not just the heat?

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I'm with the slap it on 20-30 mins before you head out brigade. Then top up before the time it lasts is up.


I can't see this as homesick though. It's something that has happened and it's not ideal but if it's causing you to want to go back to the UK already then to me it seems more deep set than sunshine.


Consider the conditions also. I find I catch the sun more when there is a breeze, when I am near water on the beach, that sort of thing. You do get to understand how the sun behaves here if you give it a chance. I'm happy to be out in the sun in the day but I'd never sit in one place for ages or keep one part facing the sun too long. Nor sunbathe. As has been said, the UV here is the concern, it's stronger than you are used to.

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Last question - is it definitely sunburn and not just the heat?


This is a good question. I often get red cheeked from the heat on hot days but it's definitely not sunburn. Takes a little while to settle down and fade, just as getting a bit burnt might but there is a difference. Might have been that happening. Red cheeks from the heat affects all of us in our family.

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Definitely remember to top up the sunscreen. Some only last for two hours so make sure you read the bottle. Personally I like the sunscreens from the cancer council - I'm pale and burn fairly easily but I haven't burned once here yet.

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So after a years planning we arrived in Melbourne in mid-July, I really enjoyed myself in August and most of September and was convinced that we made the right decision to move.


Then I managed to get sunburned (not too badly, just a little red cheeked) the last weekend of September and first weekend of October. Now I'm dreading the Aussie Summer, everyone keeps telling I'm going to get badly burnt this summer and my feeling is that if I spend the whole summer inside or in my shaded garden I might as well have stayed in the UK.


Whats really annoying is that I've followed "Slip, Slap, Slop", worn good quality shades and actively sought shade in the middle of the day and I've still ended up with red cheeks. Also, I've never burned before despite being very outdoorsy and that includes previous trips to Oz and SA.

Why is this in the MBTTUK forum? I was expecting a long list of things you miss from back home.i mean you must of known how hot it gets here.as you say you are olive skinned/dark hair you should be ok.its the redheads and people with fair skin who really have a problem but learn to adapt and live here.Now tell us the real reasons for your homesickness because having to deal with the sun here isn't one of them,as most of us came here just for that.:err:

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I'm the first person to complain about the heat and hide under my hat, but this would be a pretty poor reason to go home! And a very expensive sun burnt face :cute:


Understood, I'm just desperate to find something that works for me otherwise I'll have to give up and go home.
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Yes I knew it was hot here, the heat doesn't bother me. I also know to apply sunblock 30 mind before leaving the house and that the sun here is different thanks to the hole in the ozone layer.


It might seem like a weak reason to be homesick but as much as I love Melbourne and my job here it's all a bit wasted if I can't do all of my favourite outdoor activities without being a lobster pom come Sunday evening.

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Guest guest90395

I am pale and freckled and used to get burnt in Scotland but in the year I've been here I haven't been burnt at all. I don't sunbathe but I certainly don't avoid the sun either. My moisturiser is SPF20 and so I always have that on as a minimum but if the UV rating is high I use Nivea factor 30.


I really wouldn't let it put you off Melbourne, you may have been burned once but you aren't going to get burned every time you leave the house.

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