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Childhood Immunisation Register


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Hi, just wondered if anyone has had any issues in getting their child's UK vaccinations onto the Australian Immunisation Register?


I took my records to the local health centre in July who faxed them all through. I rang the Immunisation register people who told me it took 7-10 days. They still are not recorded - at least on the register I can see through my gov website.


I've double-checked they were faxed by the clinic and now it's at the point where it could affect my parenting payments.


Just wondering if anyone has experienced this and the timeline it took.



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  • 6 months later...

I brought records from our doctor in the US. After giving them to the nurse, they were added within a week. She didn`t tell me, however, that in Australia they require 4 doses of hepatitis b vaccine ( meaning that the dose at birth doesn`t count as the first dose, as it does in the US). I found out after I didn`t get child care rebate for 3 weeks :(.

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What records did you take? I'm wondering exactly what evidence I need to provide.


All the info they need is normally in your child's 'Red book'. Thats the book you get when theyre born and weight and immunistaions are recorded in them by the midwife or GP.

Children do normally need a few jabs to bring them up to 'Aussie standards',lol. I think its Chicken pox they dont have in the UK but get here.


Cal x

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Sorry to tell you that it took 18 months for all of ours to be sorted out.

We were up to date with UK vaccinations and had the Hep B ones here started straight away. (Have you done this by the way?). We had an exemption from the Chicken Pox one as I proved both of mine had had the disease in the UK (this was accepted by the register funnily enough even though apparently they could've insisted on a blood test to confirm according to the GP)

The doctors kept faxing things and phoning and being told it was all fine. I kept phoning and was told it would be fine but every time it came back as "not up to date".


Eventually I got a wonderful woman on the phone who personally ensured it all went through and came back as "up to date" but it was a long process.


I'm not the only one it has happened to either.

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