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Help needed in securing a rental...Please


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Hello everyone, So we've made it to the Gold Coast and love it...However a bit of a blot on the landscape is securing a rental property. We've submitted a few applications now. We've scored the 100 points needed and then...Unsuccessful. It's pretty soul destroying...Not to mention scary when we only have our holiday let until 6th October. So I turn to you good people in the hope that you will give me advice, tips, hints on how to get a rental secured. What do they want...Blood???? Well I think I know what they want...Money!!! Unfortunately we're not really in a position to start offering up front rental payments so need to get ahead by having superb applications....Can you help???...Please???? Thank you so much in advance. I have asked estate agents for feedback but they seem to be pretty elusive characters so far ☺. Thanks again.

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Get the holiday let people to give you a reference. Stating the cost and that you are keeping it well. We did this and it did help having an Aus reference. I just said please come and check the property and help with a reference. They didn't come to check in the end but the estate agent did check the reference and commented on the relatively high rent.

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These are only my tips but seemed to work for us.


1 go see a lot of properties of all descriptions, some appartment a are big, some houses are awful and never believe the web sites, we have secured a unit which is a largish end of terrace so in UK terms is a house!


2 get to know the agent, see them face to face, always stay behind at the viewing and simply pass the time of day with the agent ie any other properties, bet your busy etc. this worked for us and we got to see properties either at their first open day or even before they were open to the market. NEVER LET AN AGENT DOWN, if you can't make an inspection you have booked for then call them. They will not forgive you if you waste their time.


3 see what the agent wants and be flexible ie 6 months or a year, number of cars etc. the points are fine but they also want to get to know you and ensure you are not going to default or damage the property. Remember many of the landlords have a portfolio and agents are competing for more properties meaning they want strong tenants only.


4 have you got work? Do you have a copy of your contract? If not then you will need to offer 6 months up front simply to be considered.


5 australian references yes, absolutely, we used our current landlord and friends who have known us for 15 plus years and been in Brisbane for 10+ years.


Hope this helps

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Befriending the agents and showing you have funds to cover the rent if your job seeking are paramount IMO... I would also include a covering letter explaining your new to the country hence lack of Australian paperwork.

Dont just submit enough paperwork to get 100 points, submitt as much as you can scrape together, the more the better.


Cal x

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This is all good stuff thank you so much. We've got a reasonable amount of documents etc to get well above the 100 points. CC statements, bills, Mortgage statements from UK etc and we have a statement from the holiday let showing our payments there - OH been here for quite a few months whereas son and I only here a couple of weeks. We have references from UK but not got anyone in Oz as referees, apart from holiday let people who are being brilliant in helping us as much as possible. Got a viewing this afternoon and we're as ready as we can be. OH working with good job too so we should be attractive candidates really. Just need to schmooze agents and be quick as lightening with applications I guess. Knew I'd get some good advice from you lovely lot. The knowledge you can get here is invaluable. If anyone has more I'm listening ? Thanks again.

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Hi ClezS


When we were looking at rentals we put a pack together which we took along on the day of inspection and handed in straight away to the agent if we were interested in the property. This included the agent’s application form which we obtained prior to the inspection and completed.


We also put together a letter introducing ourselves. My partner and I both did not have jobs when we obtained our first rental so we told them who we worked for in the UK, how long for and the positions we held. We also gave details of the funds we had and we enclosed copies of bank statements to back this up.


We have rented our house out in the UK so we gave details of the income that this brought in and we also enclosed the advertising photos of our UK house so they could see that we kept our house in a nice condition. We also said as we are renting out our UK house we would treat any rental we had with respect and care, as we would hope our tenants in the UK are doing for our own house. As it was the two of us we also said that we were both non smokers without children and no pets.


The way we looked at it is that they know nothing about us and we did not have any Australian references so we had to make our application stand out from the competition so we did this by including as much information as we could about ourselves. We did also say that we would be happy for the owner of the property to meet us if they wished.


This worked for us as we have only applied for two rentals since we have arrived and we were lucky in securing both of them.


Best of luck with your viewing this afternoon.

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Make a note on realestate.com.au of the properties who have been on the market a while (and by a while I only mean 1-2 months) this can be a bargaining tool in your favour. Agents don get paid until a property is let....so they love high/quick turnover!


Just because these houses have been on the market 1-2 months doesnt mean there is anything wrong with them just simply that they are in the wrong location for some people etc, something which might no affect you etc.


On the flip side we were the same as you until we offered 6 months rent in cash upfront, the next day we were accepted.....funnily enough!


Good luck

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Thank you all so much. Viewing this aft was cancelled...Wet carpets or something...So back we go tomorrow, but this is a good thing...We are now armed and dangerous...well...prepared anyway..4 viewings tomorrow, paperwork pack sorted and ready to go...If we don't get one of these I'm buying a tent, it's nearly summer right? We'll be fine ? thanks again for the help guys x

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We only went and got one!!!! Yippeeee. Took your clever advise and put a pack together and we were quick off the mark (s*** off a shovel springs to mind) and in the immortal words of Janine off of Ghostbusters..."WE GOT ONE!!!!" Just where we wanted without having to resort to bribery ? although we did do a large amount of buttering up the estate agent! And we have our rental sorted...Now what was that about not getting ripped off??? Seriously though thank you the advise and tips given here worked for us. Couldn't be happier. ?

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Congratulations and lots of luck in your new home.

Even though its an exciting time getting the keys and moving in, go through your entry report on the house, with a fine tooth comb and mark down any little marks, chips, stains, dirty window tracks,blocked gutters,,absolutely anything you can see, no matter how minor it appears. Take pics if necessary and get the agent to acknowledge and sign them. It may well save you money in the long run when it comes to getting your bond back.


Cal x

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Hi there, we moved 8 weeks ago into Victoria and had the same problem, found it very scary. Moved here with two kids.

The way we found was to hire an agent who effectively is doing what you are doing, but is more of who you know! I don't agree with it. But she secured us a home just in time. A home I might add that I found for her!! She cost us $800 in total I think as she charged hourly. Maybe to ask in an estate agent if they can recommend anyone. They may be cheaper near to you. Or do an estate agent ring round and ask for any contacts. I know you don't have funds for up front rent and wasn't sure if you would have enough for this service. But after trying what we thought was everything, this was the only in for us :-( Good luck with everything.




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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi there, we moved 8 weeks ago into Victoria and had the same problem, found it very scary. Moved here with two kids.

The way we found was to hire an agent who effectively is doing what you are doing, but is more of who you know! I don't agree with it. But she secured us a home just in time. A home I might add that I found for her!! She cost us $800 in total I think as she charged hourly. Maybe to ask in an estate agent if they can recommend anyone. They may be cheaper near to you. Or do an estate agent ring round and ask for any contacts. I know you don't have funds for up front rent and wasn't sure if you would have enough for this service. But after trying what we thought was everything, this was the only in for us :-( Good luck with everything.





Hi Sam,


No worries, sorry about the long delay in replying, been so busy moving, sorting school and being without internet, I've not been on here for a while. The advice is much appreciated anyway cos it'll all come in handy for next time...Let's not think about that just yet though. Hope all is going well in Victoria and continues to do so. x

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