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Limescale Remover Recommendations.


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Hi there,


We are moving out of our rental property soon. We have some Limescale on our glass shower doors.


I used to use Viakal in the UK, but haven't seen it here. I bought something called Glist which you have to mix with water but it didn't work to well. Probably just me not mixing it properly ! There didn't seem to much of a selection in our local Woolies.


Anyone have any recommendations ? Looking for something I can just spray on and wipe off really.


Cheers Dawn

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For heavy deposits, 'Gumption' (available at Woolies, Coles, etc) with a scrub brush and elbow grease. It works so well, I carted six tubs home to U.S. when we left. Light deposits, you can use Gumption, of course, but any ceramic stovetop cleaner will do the job.

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Thanks for these suggestions.


It's nothing like the Limescale we used to get in the East of England, so I doubt it will need to much to shift it.


I can honestly say I don't recall any adverts for the products you mention Boganbear, most likely as the TV is constantly tuned to ABC4 for the kids and by the time I get to sit down to watch some I generally fall asleep !! I did see the products , but had discounted them as they seemed more general cleaning products. Probably worth a try by the sounds of things as the CLR seemed quite expensive and it isn't a massive area.


I did just try some toothpaste on a small spot Quoll, and it did do a pretty good job ! Who would have thought !

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Funny you should mention this.We had a heavy limescale deposit on our downstairs toilet sink.It was there when we moved in,I think they may have had a leaky tap at some point!Anyway this week I brought some loo cleaner (Harpic)and had a light globe moment!lol I left some soaking on the sink,and 30 minutes later?It all came off!I brought the harpic limescale loo cleaner.So.....you could buy the same or similar and wipe it over the glass,then rinse off with the shower head?I also used the loo cleaner on my taps,they look brand new!

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I may try this, you reminded me that before we came over here, we had a nasty smell from the drains in our ensuite, as we were renting the place when we left it needed sorting, Dyno Rod came round, he told me to tip a bottle if Harpic down the plug holes and then rinse out, but not to leave it to long as it can do something bad to the plastic pipes. I never tried it, but you saying this makes me think I should have.. Even if it doesn't work I can use it for it's intended purpose.

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