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First 3 weeks, our costs.


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Hi All


We have been here now for just under 3 weeks. I know a lot of you wonder about costs and so forth. Here are some of the unexpected costs we have had.


Satnav $150, essential for finding our way around. Plus I spent $30 on a decent map book, fab for looking at localities when driving around.

Printer $150 plus ink $150, must admit we bought a slightly better than basics printer, but found necessary for printing the numerous forms we have had and CVs for job interviews.

Driving Licence. $110 each. this was not necessary, but we had bought a car from a friend in Sydney so made the transfer easier. This also made taking out a rental easier.

Working with children registration $80, hubby wants to work in a college, to obtain the necessary paperwork we had to pay out this cost.


Food Costs

Our first shop came to about $300, but you have to remember you have to start from scratch again, so all the stuff you take for granted in your cupboards, oils, bin liners, toilet rolls, kitchen rolls, bug spray, washing powder. Its unlikely back in the Uk I would have bought all of these at once, but were needed here. I did not buy too much food in that shop either, bread, milk, beans, cereal and some meat maybe.


Since then we have spent about $130 each time, and added more essentials when we go, probably at the mo going every 5-6 days.

If you are switched on you can get some good buys, the first time we shopped we got Heniz baked beans for 97c, so bought a few tins. Also meat and veg seem cheaper than in the Uk, and if you look out for the specials.


Alcohol is a ridiculous price, I drink souther comfort, so glad I brought a bottle in my case, as $60 here. Also brought Pimms as again $50. Bring you allowance in your case, I am then asking people who (hopefully) visit to restock us!

The wine we drank at home which was australian was £8 in the Uk is $17 here.


Eating out

In the first week, we must have spent a fortune on food and drinks, this was from being in the car all day driving around looking at houses, so budget more for food. An average medium coffee is $4.50, and bottled drinks are about $3 upwards. We kept bottles of water in the car which have been bought at the supermarket.

Food costs for an average meal, e.g. pizza has come to $100 for the 4 of us, and a Mcdonalds was $35, so much more expensive than back in the UK. Subway was also coming in at $30+ for 4 of us. Now we are more in the habit we are planning better.



Cheaper than in the UK at approx $1.50 per litre, and the supermarkets give you 4c off a litre as well.



I have had to buy a few bits and pieces, as did not pack for this wet spell we are having. Clothes are more expensive and don't seem as good a quality. My mistake was not bringing a decent work suit for an interview, thinking I would get one here, big mistake, costs a fortune for a suit which feels cheaper than next, but probably cost double. Will now be ordering from Next as they deliver here for free if over $30 plus M & S also deliver for free. (not sure how returns work...)



We have also had to buy stuff that will become necessary once we have our long term rental next week, while we wait for the container. This included


Beds for the kids, plus bedding, kids needed new beds anyway.

Bed for us, plus bedding, which we will use as a spare once ours arrives.

Table and chairs, left ours behind.

Sofa, again left behind.

Iron and ironing board, didn't think to pack, left in my rented house.

New school shoes and uniform. School has summer and winter uniform. Summer starting the 7 Sept.

Pens, paper and other stationery bits, again more expensive than back home. Essential for kids homework and form filling!


Will update this thread if people find it useful, once I become more aware of more costs.





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WOW you really dont think about all these ancillary costs when you are planning your move - it certainly hits the savings a little bit doesnt it. Thanks so much for posting this....helps put things in perspective and gives others an idea of what to plan for.

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Hi Nickki

Nice report..I forgot about all the things I had to buy when starting out.


Yes, unless you are a 'skinny minnie', clothes are not as good here size wise. I'm a Primarks girl through and through! And yes get what you can sent across.


Tell hubby to keep all his receipts for anything he does for his college course, as he will be able to claim the cost back via his tax return next year up to a certain amount and that could include the printer.


Can't think of anything else for now. Just enjoy and take your time and check in with us here at PIO - be nice to know how you get on.


Whereabouts are you in Newcastle and what type of work are you going to do?



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Hi BEGal,


Yes we've kept all receipts, just out of interest as to what we have spent.


We will be in Cameron park as of next week, but Charlestown at the mo.


I'm a management accountant , hubby mechanic but would like to teach at TAFE.

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