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I used the online practice sessions for the listening and reading sections and found them really useful, especially the listening as you only have one chance to listen and get the answer and it's very easy for your mind to wander, or at least mine does!


Best advice for the day is to stay focused and try and relax! Good luck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have you had the exam yet, are you native English?? this was by far the easiest, I have jus passed the academic one and I found it very easy apart from the reading section only because of the amount of text to skim and scan through!!

Here is another to add to your list for revision:




http://www.takeielts.britishcouncil.org/prepare-test/free-practice-tests (youll be able to access this as you will have paid and get about 30 hours access)


Good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
Guest guest30085
I got 8.5 reading, 8.5 listening, 8.5 speaking but 7.5 for writing. Guess what I need 8's! Is it worth having a remark for £85? This part of the test worries me as I believe as it's very subjective!


I would just re-book and sit the exam again, is it around £130 these days? You might spend £85 and find that there's no change in the marking and then you have to pay another £130 to re-sit anyway. Your scores are good, I'm sure you will manage all 8s with some more practice. It's personal choice, but it takes weeks afaik to hear back from a re-mark and you could have sat another test in that time. Good luck either way :-)

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