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Electricians Australia


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Hi everyone


just seeing if any fellow UK electricians have had any experience with a company called Electricians Australia?

Myself and my family are in the early stages of starting our migration process over to oz and we have studied extensively the routes and processes of obtaining our visas including getting my trades assessed but I have been approached by this company whom will act as an agent I guess taking us through all the way in to oz helping with every stage including all my trade assessments included and all other relevant fees, English tests, medicals, visas , employment. I know I could take the risk and do everything on my own but with the daunting task of the visa process it maybe a good idea to have someone there helping along they even tho it means paying a small fee for the privilege!


if any one can share there own experiences of this company or other companies they may of used this would be greatly appreciated




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Hello mate. I haven't heard of this company before so I can't give you any review so to speak but as long as they are MARA registered if say you are in good hands.


im also an electrician and have lodged my 190 visa last month but unlike you I have gone it alone. A lot of money can be saved by you if you did the skills assessment and language test on your own which would be my advice. But if you think it will be too much hassle then go with an agent I suppose. I think most people mess up on the expression of interests and then when it later comes to lodging the application they realise they have done a few things wrong on their EOI's and then it's panic stations. I'd say that is the most important part because once you have an invitation to apply you have to prove the claims you've made in your EOI such as work experience, quals etc.. Over claiming on anything can be a costly mistake!


anyway you will be happy to know that the skills assessment for us sparks isn't too hard, I did mine last October in London and we made a weekend out of it. Just make sure you get all your dates of employment spot on because you'll need to prove most of it.


which visa will you be applying for?

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Hi Biddy17


thanks for your reply, much helpful.

i will check on the whole MARA approved side of things, there fees from what they have said don't seem to steep but keen to try alone as going over with as much money as possible is key!This company will also try for the 189 and the 190 visa giving better chances I guess?

If I do go it alone I'm going to try for the 189 visa, how was the assessment for you one of our friend has done it along with his English tests which he said the English tests were harder than the assessment !

how come your going for the 190 visa? Is this the one where you get state sponsorship ?

where in the UK are you based and what are your reasons for taking the plunge into the unknown?

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The fact a company wants to attempt to visas is ringing big alarm bells. A good agent will know if you need a 190 or can obtain a 189.


There are a number of good agents regularly recommended on here and I would strongly urge you to contact one of them.


Hi Biddy17


thanks for your reply, much helpful.

i will check on the whole MARA approved side of things, there fees from what they have said don't seem to steep but keen to try alone as going over with as much money as possible is key!This company will also try for the 189 and the 190 visa giving better chances I guess?

If I do go it alone I'm going to try for the 189 visa, how was the assessment for you one of our friend has done it along with his English tests which he said the English tests were harder than the assessment !

how come your going for the 190 visa? Is this the one where you get state sponsorship ?

where in the UK are you based and what are your reasons for taking the plunge into the unknown?

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Hi jonandvicky.


Just seen your post. I started looking at visa agents a couple of months ago and being an Electrician, came across Electricians Australia, as they always appear in the google search. I had an initial consultation with them and it all seemed good from what they were telling me. I'm sure you had the same info off them about their services. Only problem I found, and this is only from personnel experience, when I tried finding more info out before I took the plunge and paid the fee I didn't get the info I was after. It's a very stressful process and I needed an agency who could give me all the info I needed, without keeping me hanging on. Or who I didn't have to chase up just to follow up from their initial contact. Like I said, only from my experience, but they never provided this initial service therefor decided to try another agency. I've started my visa application with Go Matilda. They have brilliant reviews on here and they have given me all the info I need, even before I paid the first instalment. I have only just started getting all my info for the skills assessment, but any question I ask, somebody is at hand to answer my question within the day. Which means a lot when you get stressed out with all the problems a visa application can entail.

The skills assessment for an electrician is a bit if a nitemare, especially if you've been self employed for a period of time so it helps having an agent who can give you the info, when you need it. If I was you, I'd have a consultation with Go Matlilda, even if it was just to compare. Also look at their reviews on here and else where.


Let me know how ya get on, good to keep in touch with other electricians going through the same process

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Thanks to all and I will reply to each of you in due course


this has given me a lot to think about and to investigate further, they did seem the real deal during the consultation but firms can talk the talk sometimes! I will look in to go Matilda and have a chat with them, failing that I may just go it alone with the help and and advise from people whom have had experiences in here

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Hi Biddy17


thanks for your reply, much helpful.

i will check on the whole MARA approved side of things, there fees from what they have said don't seem to steep but keen to try alone as going over with as much money as possible is key!This company will also try for the 189 and the 190 visa giving better chances I guess?

If I do go it alone I'm going to try for the 189 visa, how was the assessment for you one of our friend has done it along with his English tests which he said the English tests were harder than the assessment !

how come your going for the 190 visa? Is this the one where you get state sponsorship ?

where in the UK are you based and what are your reasons for taking the plunge into the unknown?


The skills assessment was straight forward but I did revise a couple of days before just to make sure I knew exactly what to do. The safe isolation procedure in my opinion is stupid but just do it how they want you to even if you don't agree with it. As for the English test I got proficient English and just missed out on superior by .5 points in the reading section. I went for the 190 visa because that's the only way I could get 60 points required unless I tore the English exam again. But I don't mind anyway as I got the state I was going to live in and a 190 is quite high up the priority list and therefore I believe processing times are shorter (plus I'm pretty sure you are guaranteed an invite if you score 60 points) for me from sending off my EOI to being invited to apply to WA and then being invited to lodge only took a few days!


We are from Sheffield what about you?

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