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Scotland to Perth Relocation


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Hi all,

lookng for some info/advice please.


My wife 2 kids (5 and 5months) and i are considering relocating to perth. I am in the process of securing a job, it would be a transfer through the company i work for. so i would be on a sponsored 457 visa.

I will be working offshore on the oil rigs and may have to do alot of days away. I am looking for somewhere safe and nice for my wife and children to live, close to schools, shops, parks, sports facilitys, etc

I have been looking into renting in Mandurah or Rockingham. i want to be quite close to the city but not sure if i want to be right in it.

My son has just started school here, would he b able to carry on when we relocate or would he have to wait? i think the age for starting school is 6 in oz?

Also my Basic salary would be around $80000-$90000 before taxes and other deductions, but i will recieve a bonus for every day i spend offshore so my yearly wage would be upwards of $150000 before taxes etc.


Would this kind of wage be enough to support my family and provide a decent quality of life?


Any info or advice would be greatly apreciated.

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Areas to live are a hard one. Perth is very spread out - it is almost 2 hours by train top to bottom. Most of it has great family areas. The areas close to the CBD such as Subiaco would meet your criteria, but be aware would be very expensive. Hence why most live a bit further out. Particularly guys who work away as you need to get to the airport rather than the city. The other thing you need to think about is beach. Do you want to be close to a beach?

Real-estate.com.au will give you some ideas of rental costs in different areas. It may also be worth joint the sister site Perth Poms as members all come from Perth or are moving to Perth so you can get views from lots of people that live in different areas. Though, many of us of course love where we live. For example, I am a long way south of the city - 50 minute by train. But, can live next to a great beach without being a millionaire.


Your salary is fine. It's not going to be a "rich" lifestyle, but fine for a family. Do look though if it includes superannuation. This is a compulsory charge of 9.5% of salary - increasing each year for the next few years - to a pension fund.


I can't help with schools and children as we don't have them. But do be aware that the WA government have introduced a fee of $4000 per year for temporary residents to send their kids to school.

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I probably have no useful advice as we live in Adelaide, have a permanent visa and don't have kids but my hubby works offshore on ships (ROV pilot) and wouldn't want to live near the airport as we see it often enough ;)

Your family is probably used to the offshore lifestyle but just a wee note to say I have found it harder here than when we were in the U.K although I'm not really sure why? I have friends here, I have a full time job, only real difference is I don't have my parents here but that was only a monthly visit anyway. Maybe cos it's so lovely being here I want him here all the time! But I've got used to it and it's his job so we just suck it up and enjoy the money and the free time when he's home! (With a fair bit of moaning on the phone to him while he's away!)

good luck

gill x

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Also consider that thee are plans for the rail line to go from Bayswater to the airport. So if you were on the first half of the Midland line, your life could be very easy (Maylands, Mt Lawley).


But it's a good 20/30min drive to the beach on a weekend.

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Hi all,

lookng for some info/advice please.


My wife 2 kids (5 and 5months) and i are considering relocating to perth. I am in the process of securing a job, it would be a transfer through the company i work for. so i would be on a sponsored 457 visa.

I will be working offshore on the oil rigs and may have to do alot of days away. I am looking for somewhere safe and nice for my wife and children to live, close to schools, shops, parks, sports facilitys, etc

I have been looking into renting in Mandurah or Rockingham. i want to be quite close to the city but not sure if i want to be right in it.

My son has just started school here, would he b able to carry on when we relocate or would he have to wait? i think the age for starting school is 6 in oz?

Also my Basic salary would be around $80000-$90000 before taxes and other deductions, but i will recieve a bonus for every day i spend offshore so my yearly wage would be upwards of $150000 before taxes etc.


Would this kind of wage be enough to support my family and provide a decent quality of life?


Any info or advice would be greatly apreciated.


As far as the money goes you should be fine mate. Me and the wife both work, I'm in IT and my wife is a nurse and we don't earn that much between us and get by fine. We have 2 kids 19 and 24. The eldest works FIFO and does 8 days on 7 off, which is a good swing.


Areas to live are a tough one, so many nice areas to choose from and it depends what you want out of life and if your kids will like the beach. A lot do. Our eldest was 2 when we came and we rented in Como, near the river, for about a year till we found a suburb we liked. We always wanted to be near the Ocean and eventually settled in the Northern suburbs, which we love. We were put off going South as we had a ride down there early on and went through Kwinana, where all the industrial plants go on for a long way and just thinking about the smoke and outlook and the run off from those put us off. Not to say there aren't some lovely places down South, Rockingham has improved loads over the years and Mandurah is a nice place, Just that going North there is no industry to speak of, especially near the Coast. Just miles and miles of pristine coastline and nice suburbs.


Only thing with working FIFO is that it could be a bit lonely for your wife as it's hard to find people to have a chat with when you first come. Depends what she is like and if she can talk to people and make friends easily she'll be fine.


Good luck.

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Thank you for your replies. i should of said, my wife and i have been over b4, i worked out of perth for 18months about 5 years ago, would never have gone home but the work dried up and so did my sponsorship. hoping to make it for the long haul this time.

We do no the general layout of the city and where abouts most things r, we stayed in como when i first arrived then on to mount lawley and finaly in rivervale.

its just so hard to try and cover every aspect of the move with young children, if it was just me and th wife then the decision would be made and the flights booked!

we do still know a couple of people in perth but havent spoken with them in a while, my wife canbe quite quiet at times but she is aware of the situation about me being away and her being at home with just the kids for long periods of time. im kind of hopng that getting my son into school and sports clubs quite quick should help them to settle in and meet people.

If all goes to plan i should becoming over a fw times for work b4 relocating so hopefully get some time to explore the outer suburbs and just go from there.


Any one have any ideas about my boy staring school? as i said in original post, he just started primary school and turns 5 next month, would he be able to start school when we arrived or would he have to wait until he was 6?

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