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Emigrating to Perth Area


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My wife are over 60 but want to go to Byfort area near Perth to work and live. Our daughter moved there 9 months ago. I have just started to browse the internet to get things rolling but just keep hitting Dead Ends. It seems to be our age. Can anyone suggest the easiest way to get a Visa?

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Are you both over 60? If so, you're unlikely to find any path for a working visa as the age cut-off is 50. Assuming you meet the balance of family test, it's likely your only option is a contributory parent visa, but at approximately $50,000 per person, it's an expensive option.

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As per Maggie. Would add that your daughter would need to have been here for 2 years before you can apply. The process then takes about 18 months. As Maggie says, it is very expensive.


There are also tests for balance of family. Do you have any other children? If so, this may prevent it as well.


You can go for extended holidays via a 600 visa, but this would not permit you to work.

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We are both over 60. If we can get a job, could we get in via a company sponsorship? We are coming to Perth for a holiday next month. Would it be worth our time to try and get a job offer?


It is a very, very long shot. What are your occupations first of all?


The permanent employer sponsored visa generally has a cut off at age 50, but there are some exemptions as described in the link below.




Assuming you are not an academic or minister of religion etc. then for everyone else, this essentially means finding an employer that will sponsor you on a temporary visa for four years, paying over the high income threshold (which is about $130k pa). After the four years, they can then sponsor you for a permanent visa. Of course this is the technical possibility, in practice, it could be quite hard to find that willing sponsor and after 4 years they would only be able to sponsor for the next stage if there is an expectation of your ongoing employment? You say you are over 60 but not by how much, in four years, you might be thinking of retirement..


So yes, it just feels unlikely. The parent visa or the parent tourist visa, which allows generous visitation rights might be more realistic.

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