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Australia seems to be heading the same way as the Uk the place and chaos we are trying to escape..


[h=2]Broken Borders[/h]Thu, 2014-08-07 12:09 — BandicootDOI.jpeg

While the media and political debates focus on cracking down on boat people, Fairfax media have exposed that rampant visa fraud is happening. It's a multifaceted yarn. Up to 9 in 10 skilled migrant visas are bogus.

Militants are suspects in visa frauds. Afghan applicants 90% flawed!

Rampant visa fraud and migration crime involving people flying into Australia are going unchecked while the government focuses on stopping boats, according to secret government files detailing entrenched Immigration Department failings. Leaked confidential departmental documents obtained by Fairfax Media reveal that Australia's national security is being compromised by wide-scale visa rorting and migration rackets operating with impunity.

Internal documents reveal that despite repeated warnings, the department is failing to crackdown on wide-scale visa rorting.

Australia's open borders are a threat to our national security, and can't be justified on any sound basis.

While the immigration debate is anchored on asylum seekers, our open borders are allowing fraudsters to exploit the loopholes in our generous visa system with non-genuine "students", and bogus "skilled" migrants - at a time of record unemployment! There are bogus "skills shortages" that lure students to pay tens of thousands of dollars to study here, expecting a job and residency at the end - when the shortages don't exist! Thousands of foreign cooks and accountants being given visas despite an excess of local candidates.

The whole model of Australia as an Immigration Nation is outdated, and there's no correlation between grass-roots reality, and the number and type of visas distributed.

While there's a lot of media and political attention on a few ad hoc asylum seekers arriving by boats, the overwhelming majority of migrants are arriving by aeroplane, daily, enjoying anonymity and the lack of media attention.

Asylum seekers, and our humanitarian intake of about 20,000 per year, hardly add to our immigration intake, or population growth at all, yet they confuse the public on who our immigrants really are! Refugees make up less than 5 per cent of Australia's annual population growth of around 400,000 people.

This employment migration program and corrupt, especially considering the harsh crackdown on assumed "dole bludgers" who are failing to gain non-existent new jobs! Everyone knows it's going on.


Immigration experts Dr Bob Birrell and Dr Ernest Healy have obtained fresh Australian Bureau of Statistics information showing that 380,000 arrivals to Australia since 2011 had found jobs. But over the same period, net job growth in Australia was only 400,000. Australia continues to grant skilled migration visas to thousands of foreign cooks and accountants despite an excess of local candidates suitable for those jobs.

SMH> Call for migration rort crackdown as data reveals foreign workers snare net jobs growth

Afghanistan and Somalia have a trade in passports. Investigators identified a scam of people using each other's passports, after being lost or stolen. A loophole in passports lets people come into the country twice, without leaving first! With all the sophistication of technology this is happening.

A 2010 report reveals that immigration investigators had uncovered a Somali people-smuggling cell in Melbourne linked to terrorist suspect Hussein Hashi Farah, who "is believed to have links to the al-Qaeda offshoot al-Shabab".

The leaked files revealed that tens of thousands of immigration fraudsters are living freely after being assisted by migration crime networks exploiting weaknesses in working, student, family and humanitarian visa programs, and corruption within the Department that allowes the fraud to happen.

There are too many visas, flexibility and categories of immigration, and passports are not secure for all the tens of hundreds arriving each day at our airports. It's mayhem, and open-border chaos.

The immigration Department is dysfunctional, and needs to be closed for investigation. The number of visas is excessive, and our system is clearly porous and unaccountable.

The holes and flaws the system have been exploited. We've (almost) stopped the boats, but now it's time to stop the planes.

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I wonder if it is easier for some nationalities to get a visa than it is for others? I am sure the good old government would keep that sort of information off limits!


Yes it is actually..My wife is Asian and has alot of Asian friends..they have had no problem at all getting into Australia with 457 visas and then PR..I have friends from the UK that are skilled and have had the fight of their life getting in....The Govt here is the same as the Govt in the UK, they despise their own people but love ethnic minorities..

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Australia seems to be heading the same way as the Uk the place and chaos we are trying to escape..




I think if you are moving to escape something in the UK like immigration, or the government or crime or chavs or really to escape anything, then you are heading for disappointment. Pull factors are much better reasons for moving than push factors.

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Yes it is actually..My wife is Asian and has alot of Asian friends..they have had no problem at all getting into Australia with 457 visas and then PR..I have friends from the UK that are skilled and have had the fight of their life getting in....The Govt here is the same as the Govt in the UK, they despise their own people but love ethnic minorities..


So there is a common set of criteria to get visas. And with the added advantage of common language, how would it be difficult for an English speaking person to compete with Non English speakers? On top of that, you have the advantage of your qualifications, experience and even your tenancy certificates being recognized easily. And if its still tough to complete, then the problem is with them and not with the other migrants.



And the top 3 migrants into Australia are Indians, Chinese and British. And as far as I know, the top 3 are not known to be a security threat. If you have someone breaking the rules, the immigration dept should crack down on them.

The problem with UK was that it let in anyone during the 60's. It's not skilled migration that's the root cause.


The activities that are security threat need to be taken seriously by the Government, which is a Law and order issue.

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Nothing to do with a security threat mate, but everything to do with people coming over here on mickey mouse 457 visas and not paying any tax whilst they are working in Australia..


I was talking about the top countries from which our permanent resident visa holders come.

And they can't repatriate their tax money outside.


The below from your first posting talks about security threat.


Fairfax Media reveal that Australia's national security is being compromised by wide-scale visa rorting and migration rackets operating with impunity.

Internal documents reveal that despite repeated warnings, the department is failing to crackdown on wide-scale visa rorting.

Australia's open borders are a threat to our national security, and can't be justified on any sound basis.




Free movement of skilled people is vital to our economy. If there is any fraud in that. it has to be fixed. Or the business will go to countries which are business friendly. And the net result will be job loss.

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Oh..but, but its the terrorists we should be worried about..terrorists being the Australian people according to the morons supposedly running this country...

and Sammy 1 where did you get that info from???the govt?


Only one I can recall that done bird in Perth was a white Pom convert. Hardly a terrorist but was convicted. I'd be more worried about extreme right wing nutters cutting lose as what happened in Norway. Read up a bit and learn the facts. Poms are the biggest over stayers. Some concern there I admit.

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Yes it is actually..My wife is Asian and has alot of Asian friends..they have had no problem at all getting into Australia with 457 visas and then PR..I have friends from the UK that are skilled and have had the fight of their life getting in....The Govt here is the same as the Govt in the UK, they despise their own people but love ethnic minorities..


UK has had preference since time began. In recent years Australia has come to the realization of the area of the world they are in. Only superficial similarities to UK. Both wanted bigger populations over a short time frame. Our agreement ends there. Most to UK are EU nationals impossible to stop. Australia on the other hand is growing beyond capacity. Nothing to do with minorities but raw numbers.

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Yes it is actually..My wife is Asian and has alot of Asian friends..they have had no problem at all getting into Australia with 457 visas and then PR..I have friends from the UK that are skilled and have had the fight of their life getting in....The Govt here is the same as the Govt in the UK, they despise their own people but love ethnic minorities..


Are you really married to an Asian?

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I think if you are moving to escape something in the UK like immigration, or the government or crime or chavs or really to escape anything, then you are heading for disappointment. Pull factors are much better reasons for moving than push factors.


It would appear so. A rather idiotic reason in a country about to become one of the most multi ethnic and racial in the world. I'm not convinced about multi cultural though.

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I do agree on the 457 rort.

In the scheme of things happening around us, I would be more worried about undocumented people coming in through plane( highly unlikely) or boat than a person coming in with a visa and a passport.

There might be 457 rorting going on, but its a fraud and not a threat to security.

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