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BREAKING NEWS: the boats haven't stopped


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Nice one, the holiday that is, I assume you enjoyed it? Great weather here at the moment, I'm loving it


I loved it thanks mate. Great to see family and friends and enjoy Wimbledon and the World Cup without having to get up in the wee small hours. You can't enjoy sport at breakfast time!. Weather has been great too. Glad you're enjoying it, just a pity there's not more of it! :smile:

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:biglaugh: That's the way PC!. Would love to see the evidence that you've collated on this subject sometime. Undertaken a longitudinal study in the socio-economic contribution made to Australia's economy by asylum-seekers have we……..or just read a few Andrew Bolt columns? :wink:

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Rightly or wrongly, it depends on what people of a country what. In this case, Australians are not in favour of people coming in by boat and claiming asylum.


If indeed they are refugees, then the refugee advocates should start convincing people of the facts. If not, then they should stop supporting the boat arrivals.


The recent happenings in the world coupled with Sydney shootings and Aussies fighting in foreign shores make people worry against people arriving without any documentation and vetting process.


To claim that people are racist due to this anti boat people stand insults ordinary people in a country with a non discriminatory legal migrant program where the largest groups admitted into it are Asians (including Chinese and Indians).

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Rightly or wrongly, it depends on what people of a country what. In this case, Australians are not in favour of people coming in by boat and claiming asylum.


If indeed they are refugees, then the refugee advocates should start convincing people of the facts. If not, then they should stop supporting the boat arrivals.


The recent happenings in the world coupled with Sydney shootings and Aussies fighting in foreign shores make people worry against people arriving without any documentation and vetting process.


To claim that people are racist due to this anti boat people stand insults ordinary people in a country with a non discriminatory legal migrant program where the largest groups admitted into it are Asians (including Chinese and Indians).


Very reasonable assessment in my opinion. Of course, Australia is not a racist country and in fact, it is one of the LEAST racist countries, witness the fact that so many different peoples want to come here.


Regarding the people smugglers, I can understand why someone might want our present policy relaxed, but not why they would want to see a return to the daily arrivals of boats, given how many people drowned.

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:biglaugh: That's the way PC!. Would love to see the evidence that you've collated on this subject sometime. Undertaken a longitudinal study in the socio-economic contribution made to Australia's economy by asylum-seekers have we……..or just read a few Andrew Bolt columns? :wink:


Firstly, WHY is Andrew Bolt a liar? And, secondly, how do you know what he writes, when you never read the Murdoch papers? Shades of Mary Whitehouse, who wanted everything banned, purely on hearsay because she refused to watch anything.

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Firstly, WHY is Andrew Bolt a liar? And, secondly, how do you know what he writes, when you never read the Murdoch papers? Shades of Mary Whitehouse, who wanted everything banned, purely on hearsay because she refused to watch anything.




I'm going to make this very simple for you, because having complained on threads all day that other posters make assumptions, you've been guilty of the same throughout.




I've already explained to you today that like a lot of other left-leaning folk politically, I follow a wide range of British, American and Australian media. I draw the line at going anywhere near The Sun for reasons that go back 25 years, but pretty much everything else in our house is fair game. That includes The Australian, The Sunday Telegraph (UK and Aus editions) the online edition of The Daily Mail​, and finally, The Herald Sun. Granted, I do feel more than a little sullied after repeated exposure to their editorial content, but, as I commented earlier, part of the art of war is to appraise yourself of where the other side are coming from.


Which leads me to Mr Bolt. A liar?. No, I wouldn't say as much. But a man with a rigid, unsympathetic, borderline racist view of the world. He occupies a world I think where White, middle -aged men are put upon by minorities, outsiders and trendy liberals and they're not going to stand for it!


Now Dave, did you get all that?!!

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And yet you did not know who was going to win the last Australian election?






Did you mean to address that question to me Pumpkin, or was it Harpo you were responding to?. PersonallyI thought Abbot was nailed on to win it. His policies speak to the majority of ordinary Australians and I wouldn't mind betting that he romps home in 2016.

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Did you mean to address that question to me Pumpkin, or was it Harpo you were responding to?. PersonallyI thought Abbot was nailed on to win it. His policies speak to the majority of ordinary Australians and I wouldn't mind betting that he romps home in 2016.


Lets hope so.

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I'm going to make this very simple for you, because having complained on threads all day that other posters make assumptions, you've been guilty of the same throughout.




I've already explained to you today that like a lot of other left-leaning folk politically, I follow a wide range of British, American and Australian media. I draw the line at going anywhere near The Sun for reasons that go back 25 years, but pretty much everything else in our house is fair game. That includes The Australian, The Sunday Telegraph (UK and Aus editions) the online edition of The Daily Mail​, and finally, The Herald Sun. Granted, I do feel more than a little sullied after repeated exposure to their editorial content, but, as I commented earlier, part of the art of war is to appraise yourself of where the other side are coming from.


Which leads me to Mr Bolt. A liar?. No, I wouldn't say as much. But a man with a rigid, unsympathetic, borderline racist view of the world. He occupies a world I think where White, middle -aged men are put upon by minorities, outsiders and trendy liberals and they're not going to stand for it!


Now Dave, did you get all that?!!


But despite reading that spectrum of newspapers, you are just like Andrew Bolt, with similarly rigid and unsympathetic views of the world, albeit it from the left, rather than the right.


I admire Andrew Bolt for the fact that he can take it as well as give it, no going to court if anybody abuses him.

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image.jpg This was an interesting piece from Al Jazeera. Not sure if Murdoch owns it , must check but it speaks about economic refugees . They'll be setting sail from Merthyr tifdil next if the government doesn't act tough on bogus refugees


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But despite reading that spectrum of newspapers, you are just like Andrew Bolt, with similarly rigid and unsympathetic views of the world, albeit it from the left, rather than the right.


I admire Andrew Bolt for the fact that he can take it as well as give it, no going to court if anybody abuses him.

True, he can just use his Herald Sun column to get back at them with a few sly digs at their expense! :wink:

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True, he can just use his Herald Sun column to get back at them with a few sly digs at their expense! :wink:


As can any journo, and many other people in public life, and as can the rest of us, via 'letters to the editor.' You provide plenty of evidence via the endless articles from The Guardian. And I agree with it. It's all about free speech and a free press.


Have you ever actually commented on people wearing those 'F*** Tony Abbott' T shirts? I find those hugely offensive, and I well imagine the reaction in The Guardian/ABC/Fairfax if it was someone like Sarah Hanson Young's name instead of Abbott.

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Thank you @Tink @Tina2 and @Endless Winter among others for restoring some of my faith in the humanity of people. My husband used to work with a guy (when they both had jobs, ah happy days!) who had come into Australia on a boat as an immigrant. He was from Vietnam. He had horror stories of when the boats engine died and he had to dive into shark infested waters to fix it by hand, and of the horrors he was fleeing, and how most of his family had been killed which was what led him to the level of desperation to leave his country and head to Australia in this way. He was an amazing, inspiring, courageous and bloody hard-working man who had gone on to build a life for himself through hard work and determination, never relying on handouts or expecting anything other than that he be given a chance of a life lived without constant fear for his life.


I am sure the vast majority of asylum seekers are the same, and calling them "illegal" is just repeating back the propaganda that is put about by this government and the main stream media.


i can say when working with asylum seekers in sydney..this story rings true! Very true!

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As can any journo, and many other people in public life, and as can the rest of us, via 'letters to the editor.' You provide plenty of evidence via the endless articles from The Guardian. And I agree with it. It's all about free speech and a free press.


Have you ever actually commented on people wearing those 'F*** Tony Abbott' T shirts? I find those hugely offensive, and I well imagine the reaction in The Guardian/ABC/Fairfax if it was someone like Sarah Hanson Young's name instead of Abbott.


I think Andrew Bolt's readership kind of exceeds my own, sadly!. Getting the odd 'like' from Harpo hardly makes me a media titan!


Agreed, I think the 'f$ck Abbot' t-shirts are infantile. Much better ways to make your point.


Not sure that I post that much stuff from The Grauniad tbh. The odd link, but I'm more of a Huffington Post kind of person these days. :smile:

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Hi Wellers, No I have net met a genuine asylum seeker. That is true.


Have you met any fake asylum-seekers Parley, I bet you've met loads?

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I supppose we can agree that most asylum seekers are genuine, and most are hard working, so why does that mean that we should also have no controls over who comes here, and no control on the numbers either?


For me, it is also about logistics. Where do we find the extra resources, houses, doctors, medical facilities, when we can't find the resources to fund nursing homes, carers, respite care for families who care for sick and handicapped?


But you want no limits on the numbers who come in? Why? If ten boats a day come, a hundred, so what? Let them come, let them in. They are all suffering. We have a moral duty. We could be flying in a plane a day from both Gaza and Syria at this very moment. Should we be doing that? What about all the people fleeing Africa into Europe? Why don't we ease the burden and fly a plane a day from there too?

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[ATTACH=CONFIG]25632[/ATTACH] This was an interesting piece from Al Jazeera. Not sure if Murdoch owns it , must check but it speaks about economic refugees . They'll be setting sail from Merthyr tifdil next if the government doesn't act tough on bogus refugees


Make sure you charge your phone up before you go out :wink:

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Al Jezeera, I'm not sure about. I think it is owned/funded by Quatar or the Emirates, or someone like that, and may fund Hamas, but also that Aussie journo and his two Egyptian colleagues worked for them. ****ing trumped up charges put them in prison, and I notice, as usual, no supportive threads, and no demonstrations in streets of Australia for them.

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But how do tell the genuine ones.


Unfortunately you can't.


Majority of the people seeking asylum are from countries that fought for their own independence, because they did not want to be associated with the countries now welcoming them with open arms!!!

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