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Migration agents


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Hey guys I'm ready to start on my visa and get the ball rolling and Im looking around to find an agent iv been chatting to different people and some say some agents vary in prices any body got some recomendations of different agents??? Also is there much involved in doing the process for a 190?

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Go Matilda have given us accurate advice on several occasions.


We had a free assessment with them where they were completely honest about our lack of options, several years ago, so I trust they are on the level!

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I found the cost completely outweighed the process and I therefore did it myself. I am not saying they will not save you time and they definitely know the process back to front, but If your willing to put some time and effort in, and its just form filling mainly, then I would recommend doing it yourself and saving yourself the money as it is not that difficult and then you can use the saved money on buying more essentials for the move.

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I have just lodged my 190 visa today and did everything alone, and trust me i am not one bit organised. I sent for a quote from an agent and got 5,000 dollars Feck that! expensive enough paying for the visa, vetassess, ielts blah blah blah... Just invest heaps of your own time and save the dough. All they do it tell you what to gather, and upload. your still doing all the work. Sure if its a difficult case, an agent would help... But through these pages and the internet you learn quite quick if you put some passion into it:)


Just my fifty noops:)


Take it easy... but take it



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Hi there I went with a company called Migration Angels, I found their fees reasonable compared to other quotes I have had.


My agent Kristy has always been prompt and helpful she guided me to a successful TRA application outcome


Like people say a lot of it is doing the work yourself but having someone to go to when you have problems and pointing you in the right direction was worth the money to me.

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There are some good agents out there which if you don't have the time to wade through all the information online, or haven't a straightforward visa route, are worth their weight in gold. Unfortunately some aren't and give the rest a bad rap. Unfortunately naming and shaming isn't allowed on here, otherwise I would shout it out not to use the Migration agents we did. We had our first baby and busy jobs, so stupidly trusted them with our visa....long story. They were recommended to us from friends who had a different experience a few years before.


If you decide to go with an agent go for one of the recommended ones on here and make sure they have up to date MARA certification. Do not go to them if they contract out the work to a MARA agent as any recourse with any problems can only be directed at an agent, not the company, which is ridiculous as the company we used are able to continue in business despite messing us around massively as well as many other unfortunate souls. However MARA are aware of them and we are making an official complaint through another authority. I think the Immigration site is pretty well laid out now and with hindsight we should have just done it ourselves, but we were already feeling overwhelmed at the time with our first baby. It seems like a lot of information to digest to begin with but when you break it down and take your time to read it all, it's not so bad. Plus this forum and others is helpful if you are stuck at any point.


Good luck with your application whatever you decide to do. We procrastinated for years before we took the leap, so my advice is to get going as soon as possible!

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  • 1 year later...

How do you find out if they contract the work out only we are trying to find a good migration agent that won't rip us off we have had 2 bads ones and it makes you feel you can not trust any of them out there we have lost a lot of money and it is very upsetting

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This section of the forum has a list of different reputable and registered agents (their MARA numbers will be in their signatures).. click the link and have a read of their profiles, any of these guys will be able to help you , some of them have helped many forum members with their applications over the years.. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=220


Cal x

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