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Financial advice for Parents already in Oz


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Hi All,

Just hoping someone could shed any light or give any advice. Mum and dad applied for an Aged Parent subclass 804 in 2010 and are still awaiting for an outcome which I believe could be a few more years yet, they are currently living here in Brisbane with myself, husband and 2 children on a Bridging Visa B. Mum has had some serious health issues this past few months and they are thinking of moving back to the UK as she doesn't want to be a burden (which she isn't) they cannot afford to buy a house over here as they have increased in price so much since we started all of this, their UK pensions are frozen at the rate as it was when they left the UK and the exchange gives them next to nothing after mums medical problems and prescriptions, it wipes them out. Dad is 79 and mum is 70yrs old, so they are not allowed to work. I have searched and searched as much info from the Centrelink website and googled heaps but it all seems to be conflicting information and none of it seems to be in our favour. In reality I still they think they will go back home to the UK so they can buy a house they can afford and feel more secure :'( I'm completely gutted as my partner and children have really settled here and don't want to move back. If anyone can advise if they know of anything such as financial assistance, I have even tried to look up housing association but again it gives little information especially for 'non permanent residents'

Any help would be so appreciated:sad:

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They won't get anything so they may well be more secure in UK which is unfortunate for you but may be better for them. You don't have to go with them. Sadly that's the downside of non contributory visas. They will have to re-establish themselves in UK and evidence habitual residence in order to access services like NHS. Good luck whatever they decide!

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Really sympathise as we are self funded retires here on a long term temporary retirement visa.

I assume they have reciprocal Medicare and get their meds at the Medicare rate? That should help, sadly not free here for older people.

do they pay tax? I am absolutely no expert, but if they pay here possibly pensions aren't taxed? Worth getting sound advice.

are they eligible on their visa to buy into a retirement village, I know several on our visa have, but our visa is more of a definite one if that makes sense.

good luck with whatever decision they make

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Unfortunately even when they have their permanent visa, they will not be able to claim anything for 2 years anyway. The Commonwealth Seniors Health card which gives some help with prescriptions has a 2 year wait and is for permanent residents. Also with your mum's medical problems have you considered that she may not pass the medical in order to get her visa?


I do sympathise as we are here on a permanent parent visa, but most of our pensions are in pounds and as you say the exchange rate makes it difficult. We have also not yet bought a house as we find the house prices ridiculous here and with the now reduced exchange rate from 5 years ago when we started all this.... We are also considering whether we are able to stay here long term and are just hanging on at the moment for family reasons.

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Thanks for your replies. My parents looked into buying a retirement home a while back which is affordable, but we weighed up our pro's and cons and felt it too risky with them not having their visa's granted as yet and like Bridgeman has said, mum may not even pass the medical now after her medical issues, buying anywhere looks out of the question really. They do have the reciprocal healthcare but unfortunately that will only be for minor issues or a medical emergency from my understanding, I may be reading it wrong, please correct me if I am wrong. Mum had a completely blocked artery and her aorta is 80% blocked too, she was in horrific pain because some of her vital organs were not getting enough blood flow, she underwent surgery and now has to change her lifestyle, but no one knows if she will be ok in 3 months let alone 3 years. Its very upsetting seeing your mum in pain and not knowing what the future will hold for her and I guess I am just clutching at straws in the hope we can get them settled even if it was only for a few years. 100% of their children and grandchildren are here and they don't really have anyone back home, their family are all here. My children are 16 and 13 and do not want to go back to the UK. Thanks for replying and I guess we'll just have to think a little more and decide one way or another what we should do. But if anyone does think of anything, please let me know.



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