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Mind made up :)


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Great initial post!

And now the spanner in the works!


Citizenship is said to be the magical golden ticket, opening up doors for your own future children etc. However, I know I may be way off the mark here, but at 27, you may be thinking about meeting someone and settling down (I'm in no way saying that you should be, I'm just surmising). If this is the case, what if you meet the person of your dreams within those two years here and he's an Aussie? Would you be prepared to stay for this person? It will be harder to leave then and you will have the constant wonder and pull of home.

I've been here almost 6 years and, I too, yearn for the UK and my family and friends. Since being here (came with OH), we have got married, have had 2 children and have bought a house. I now know that I need to go home, but the longer we're here, the more roots we seem to be putting down and the harder it is to make that decision.

What I'm trying to say, in a pretty inarticulate way, is that the longer you are here, the harder it will be to make the move. The more people you meet here, the harder they will be to leave. The longer you are here, the bigger the chance of meeting 'someone' and the harder it will be to either convince them to live in the UK with you, or the harder it will be to accept that you are to stay here longer term.


I envy that you only need to think about yourself. I get the constant guilt of 'is this right for my children etc?' So, do what is right for you, right now. Try not to think 'what if this, or what if that?' too much.


Sorry for rambling!


Good luck!

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Is it possible to stay for Citizenship but perhaps also plan in between a trip back to the UK or a trip for friends/family to come and stay with you? Just so that initial wait doesn't seem so long as you have something to aim for that is more short term? Looking at things the other way round, I have had a 7 year wait just to be able to emigrate to Australia, that's where my heart currently lies and the wait has killed us, everything revolves around emigrating. However, the time has flown by and I am so happy that we did it this way round rather than doing the quick fix 5 years ago without me retraining.


Try to rethink this in a months time when your emotions are less high and you can look at things more sensibly. Perhaps make some travel plans for Aus over the next few years. At the end of the day, if things get too hard on you just up and leave! Good Luck x

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I have to wait because my son is doing another year at school due to illness. We can't interrupt his education at this point - but he wants to go back to study in the UK at uni. I am feeling impatient as I'm in my 50's and would go tomorrow if I could.... Not because I hate it here, but because I want to be back in my house (not renting!), exploring, walking the south downs, and spending time down the pub. I went back last year for three weeks and ended up spending five months (got a job!). Hubby sent me to get it out my system - Ha Ha! loved every minute. I absolutely understand why, at 27 the UK would seem preferable over Oz but I think as you have time on your hands it may be worth a bit of pain and patience now to keep your options open. To be honest, we have citizenship and much as I don't hanker to return right now, I'm glad we have it. After a couple of dismal winters - or a lottery win, even I could turn into a ping ponger!


Thank you for sharing ! yeh that's the thing who knows when I might want to come back. Glad you had a good time back in the uk, theres so many things that I feel I would appreciate about it so much more now, homes home you know :)

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Great initial post!

And now the spanner in the works!


Citizenship is said to be the magical golden ticket, opening up doors for your own future children etc. However, I know I may be way off the mark here, but at 27, you may be thinking about meeting someone and settling down (I'm in no way saying that you should be, I'm just surmising). If this is the case, what if you meet the person of your dreams within those two years here and he's an Aussie? Would you be prepared to stay for this person? It will be harder to leave then and you will have the constant wonder and pull of home.

I've been here almost 6 years and, I too, yearn for the UK and my family and friends. Since being here (came with OH), we have got married, have had 2 children and have bought a house. I now know that I need to go home, but the longer we're here, the more roots we seem to be putting down and the harder it is to make that decision.

What I'm trying to say, in a pretty inarticulate way, is that the longer you are here, the harder it will be to make the move. The more people you meet here, the harder they will be to leave. The longer you are here, the bigger the chance of meeting 'someone' and the harder it will be to either convince them to live in the UK with you, or the harder it will be to accept that you are to stay here longer term.


I envy that you only need to think about yourself. I get the constant guilt of 'is this right for my children etc?' So, do what is right for you, right now. Try not to think 'what if this, or what if that?' too much.


Sorry for rambling!


Good luck!



No rambling apology needed, its good to know how others feel. That's the thing another 2 years from now all my friends could have settled down and things be very different back in uk. But yes inless I meet the love of my life I still think the uk is where I will want to be. For family. Its just do I be homesick every day now but get my pr or citizenship and always keep that door open. I don't want to think one day that I made a mistake! by either going or staying but yes as you say im lucky I only have myself to worry about

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No rambling apology needed, its good to know how others feel. That's the thing another 2 years from now all my friends could have settled down and things be very different back in uk. But yes inless I meet the love of my life I still think the uk is where I will want to be. For family. Its just do I be homesick every day now but get my pr or citizenship and always keep that door open. I don't want to think one day that I made a mistake! by either going or staying but yes as you say im lucky I only have myself to worry about

Whatever you decide today won't be a mistake, it will be the best decision you can make based on today's information. Australia isn't going anywhere and if you can get a visa now chances are you would be able to get a visa in future if that's what you wanted to do. Whatever you do, don't put your life on hold, it's the only one you've got and you need to make the most of it! Who knows, you may decide that your future lies in Alaska down the track - none of us knows what we will be doing tomorrow!

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Whatever you decide today won't be a mistake, it will be the best decision you can make based on today's information. Australia isn't going anywhere and if you can get a visa now chances are you would be able to get a visa in future if that's what you wanted to do. Whatever you do, don't put your life on hold, it's the only one you've got and you need to make the most of it! Who knows, you may decide that your future lies in Alaska down the track - none of us knows what we will be doing tomorrow!


Thank you. I think I need to get my Pr which I can apply for in feb then massively assess and see how I feel. If I still feel like this then I will go

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Your PR will give you 3 years back in the UK anyway and if you still don't want to return by the end of 3 years back home you never will want to in my mind! If you do want to return within that time you can and do your two years to fulfil requirements. I'd hate to know my home will always be in the UK but my kids had citizenship and could go at any time but that decision is too late for me as I became a citizen years ago and they have their lives here in Oz now whilst mine is in the UK, another split family!

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