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Hey everyone! Thought I would say hello!


Moved to Tassie 4 years ago and am now between Hobart and Melbourne looking for employment over in Melbourne.


32 years old male, haven't met too many fellow English people over in Hobart and unfortunately am now starting to get a bit homesick.

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Hey everyone! Thought I would say hello!


Moved to Tassie 4 years ago and am now between Hobart and Melbourne looking for employment over in Melbourne.


32 years old male, haven't met too many fellow English people over in Hobart and unfortunately am now starting to get a bit homesick.


Hey DD. Welcome.


I understand employment's a bit tough in Tassie of late. Melbourne sounds like a good plan. As does hanging around this place. Loads of great people - that homesickness will be gone in no time for you I hope!


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Thanks all for your lovely responses!


Yes employment is ridiculous down here to be honest at the moment. I'm really well educated, good experience but it seems so much to be more about who you know as opposed to what you know.


Faired a little better in Melbourne but I fear perhaps my CV is not presented correctly or something as truthfully some of the jobs I have never heard back from I should at least have had an interview for.


Never mind, keep plugging away again!!!!

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