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having differences with my MA - 457 help

Lynsey Nicolson

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Hi all


I hope someone can advise me on this as I am sure I have read this information on here before


In the last stages of filing my visa and my MA has advised I need insurance and has given me links for BUPA and a quote number. I emailed her back and told her that I would arrange travel insurance that would cover me until I was in Australia and can join Medicare (I am from Scotland, so I qualify through our nhs deal).


She has now advised me that they require health insurance that meets the criteria at the time of lodgement. I have told her and quoted from Immi that as long as my insurance is as comprehensive as the minimum level required then that would suffice for my initial stay into Perth until I enroll with medicare. That's from immi condition 8501.


I'm not going to skimp out on travel insurance. It is worldwide insurance that covers me for a year and I always by the top range. Mainly because I had to use insurance a few years back for emergency surgery, transportation and private hospital care so I know it works and surely what I had used on that event meets the minimum requirements to oz.


I don't understand why I need to take out private health insurance from a company recommended from my MA if I dont need it.


Hopefully someone can answer me because I am getting sick of back and forth to the MA!

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I know that some people have taken out private health insurance in order to be able to lodge a 457 application, they have later cancelled it after the visa has been granted.


ETA - it's not travel insurance, but medical insurance.

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We had to take out medical insurance on our 457 as part of our application. I just got us the cheapest quote through a private company (can't remember the name) certainly wasn't BUPA and that was sufficient. As we are from the UK too we signed up for Medicare and the private insurance expired a week after we signed up

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I assumed travel insurance would be more than adequate. I have read IMMI and it doesnt state that it has to be medical/health insurance just insurance that adequately covers you.

I have bought cover and have a 30 day cooling off period to cancel so once I hear back on Monday I'll know where I stand or whether to fight my corner!


I'm assuming that the MA gets commission if I sign up to the recommended insurer as she has given me a reference number to quote. I'm not an idiot and have been reading for months about everything I need to do and know and for her to instantly dismiss my suggestion and fob me off with 'it doesnt meet the required criteria at time of submission' without even telling me what the criteria is bound to send me hunting for answers.

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We had the same thing the visa guy sent me a link to bupa so I think they all have to but I queried it with our agent and she said travel insurance is perfectly adequate for 30 days so that's what I did, and here we are! :0)

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Our MA just sent us names of several insurance companies and said that we could either find our own or she would source some quotes for us (subject to our approval before anything was accepted) - She was very helpful.


We went for BUPA but that was our own choice based on price etc and the fact that it has a variable start date as we do not have a definitive date for arrival in Oz as yet.

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Travel Insurance doesn't always meet the minimum level of cover, but in very general terms if you're a UK passport holder and it is travel insurance from a 'decent' company there's rarely any issues. Some case officers are more relaxed than others regarding it and after all they know it's only to allow the grant of the visa and you'll likely sign up for medicare when you arrive. There is a very long, detailed letter somewhere on the website that lists each and every thing that must be covered, but I very much doubt the case officer actually sits there matching each detail between that letter and the policy you give them.

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