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hi peeps below is an essay i have had to write on any subject i choose to pass part of my higher english on my nursing course, hope you enjoy it! :wubclub:








A Better Life – Is The Grass Really Greener?



Last year 50 brits a day left the UK for a better life down under and a further 18,000 left for other countries namely Canada, New Zealand and Spain. They were all searching for a better life, a more relaxed safer, friendlier lifestyle to bring up their families or retire to. They were looking to find out if the grass really is greener on the other side? I 100% think it is so I ask myself “when am I going”?

After I qualify as a nurse and gain a years work experience, I have chosen to emigrate to Australia, Brisbane to be exact. Australia provides the lifestyle the UK did 20 years ago, but with the added bonus of fantastic weather. It is a place where people speak to one another when they pass on the street, they are friendly enough to help a tourist, and you can still go out and leave your windows open and backdoor unlocked. (cheers theme tune will start!) The crime rate is significantly lower than the UK due mainly to the population to land comparison. With a land mass of 2,966,136 sq miles and a population of only 20,000,000. When you compare that to Britain’s population of 60.600,000 and land mass of 634,248 sq miles it is easy to see how Britain is so very overcrowded and with such a high crime rate.

Australia has some of the most wonderful and varied wildlife and fauna on earth, a booming economy, good international relations worldwide, and its excellent world renowned health service is ranked 11th by WHO compared to Britain’s ranking of 18th. Australians are proud of their country and even more proud that so many people are choosing it as their top destination to emigrate to. With a booming economy and growing population it is little wonder there is a huge market for migrants with in demand skills, nurses, hairdressers, chefs any trade, they are all in high demand. It boasts the famous Great Barrier Reef one of the natural wonders of the world, along with snowy mountains, rainforests and vast desolate deserts, it has it all.

Now some may argue why I would want to uproot my family and move thousands of miles to the other side of the world, where we know no one and where they have 6 of the worlds top 10 most deadliest snakes, great white sharks and box jellyfish in the oceans and sits under a hole in the ozone layer! It may be argued that certainly the healthcare system is better but you have to pay for it. It could also easily be argued that Australia is experiencing such a huge economic boom right now it has put its interest rates up for a fifth time in a year, and the average rate on a mortgage is 7.9%!! I give you that is enough to make me stop and think, but for only for a split second. It does a terrible curry, doesn’t do fish and chips, the driving is atrocious, it seriously lacks decent pubs, the mortgage rates astronomical, the ozzy sense of humour is as dry and sarcastic as you will ever come across, they have spiders the size of your palm, they are extremely competitive at the national sports, they are in the middle of one of the worst droughts in their history and cant even water their plants.

We have no family there or friends only those we have met on a forum site known as Poms in Oz. The site is for those migrating to Australia and those already there, it allows you to meet people in your situation and those lucky enough to have already achieved it, and you can discuss your progress and ask advice and information. People are only too happy to help. We have been invited by 4 families to have a typical oz Barbie when we arrive for our holidays this year that just does not happen here in the UK. The sun seems to make people happy, friendlier.

So in conclusion, I feel that moving to the other side of the world is absolutely the right choice for me and my family. Certainly I am petrified of coming across a deadly snake or spider, and am somewhat dismayed at the lack of curry chefs, and I am definitely not looking forward to driving on either the dusty sand roads or 4 lane carriageways, but what I am looking forward to is my children being able to play outside in the warm weather (covered in sun cream and a hat!) most of the year, socialise more with new friends, live a more stress free life, get up in the mornings with kookaburras in he trees. I am looking forward to feeling more healthy than I do here, eating better fresher food, fresh fish and salads because its warm outside instead of thick stodgy food because its cold and pouring with rain and I’m feeling miserable. I want my kids to feel safe with out the huge threat of terrorism that comes with living under the British government and the shadow of the US. I also look forward to the cultures my kids will grow up in and experience, without the same amount of racism we have here, and in less crowded conditions.

I do not think Australia is some kind of Shangri-la nor am I naive enough to think that it doesn’t have its bad points or run down areas. It will rain some times and people will still commit crimes, its government is far from perfect and im aware terrorism is global, but what I am absolutely certain of is that compared to the mother land of so called ‘Great Britain’ it is going to provide me and my family with a life far better than that we could ever hope of here, and as I keep telling my parents the world is a far smaller place now a days, Australia is only a day away!

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Guest darsar

Looks good to me.Good luck,I am sure you will pass.Well done for mentioning PiO!!Your essay makes me want to emigrate even more now!Sarah+++:cute:

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Guest jonny.co@tiscali.co.uk

very good essay.inspiring reading.if you dont pass,tell them we are coming to speak to them lol:biglaugh:.

well done, nice to write about something that is close to your heart.

good luck nic.xxxx:cute:

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Guest Els-Bells

What a lovely read, for anyone whos family are wondering why theyre emmigrating they should print out ur essay and show them. Well done and am sure you will pass!! :yes:

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Guest sanders family

What a brillant read i would give you top marks if i was yout tutor, scary but exciting i think is also how we all feel too. :yes:

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Guest cazbeckham



Why not look up my Daughter Johatts on here, she lives just outside Brissie and will also welcome you for a drink or two.


Great read!!!!




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