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Financial Hardship. Help plz


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Currently Im married to an Australian and im on a student visa which expires in Mar 2015. The plan was to apply for a partner visa 820 which is roughly 4,500 plus other fees which run well over 5,000 AUD when my student visa neared it expiration date. Also, applying for the bridging visa a with work rights while my 820 is under review.


The problem is we are extremely low on funds now because of unforeseen circumstances. My wife is now disabled and on centrelink and we have a newborn son. On top of that i cannot find LEGAL work. I get i have roughly 10 months still, and I will still pound the pavement looking for work. I can legally only work 20 hrs a week or 40 a fortnight, but i cant seem to find any employer willing to work around my school and work hour limits. I can say i possibly know of an employer willing to hire at below "JR" fair market wages for cash and one thats wants over the 20 hr limit. I just cant risk having any potential immigration issues, im trying to do it by the book - legally.


Centrelink actually recognizes me as my wifes carer, but since im not a citizen or on a pr visa i dont qualify for anything.


Are there any type of hardships visa i can apply for. Are there organizations that do some sort of visa fee loans.. anything??


thanks in advance

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Sorry, don't really have any answers for you.


but I work in an accident repair shop and we have a guy, with similar circumstances to you, ie visa work restrictions. He works for the company as a valeter/detailer.


he is a great guy and of course able to better than that, but for the time being, and until his PR goes through, it works for him and the company..


So, and its only a thought, could you look at doing something like that...???

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Sorry, don't really have any answers for you.


but I work in an accident repair shop and we have a guy, with similar circumstances to you, ie visa work restrictions. He works for the company as a valeter/detailer.


he is a great guy and of course able to better than that, but for the time being, and until his PR goes through, it works for him and the company..


So, and its only a thought, could you look at doing something like that...???


ive applied for many of jobs. from picking fruit, other farm work, being a cleaner, lawn service, cook, IT support etc.. i honestly dont care what it is - i will literally shovel shat all day to support my family. Its already a tough economy, but compound that with work restrictions, unavailable days due to class, and my desire to work legally - its been tough

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ive applied for many of jobs. from picking fruit, other farm work, being a cleaner, lawn service, cook, IT support etc.. i honestly dont care what it is - i will literally shovel shat all day to support my family. Its already a tough economy, but compound that with work restrictions, unavailable days due to class, and my desire to work legally - its been tough


I can imagine it is....just the luck of the drawer...


My boss always interviews people who turns up on spec with a resume ....getting a job these days is ****, I agree.


but, by the way...you haven't even said where you live....maybe if you did, someone might have come along to help.


just a thought....but make sure you actually put that on your résumé .....it's the little things that count !!!

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I don't believe there is any help, that is why they ask you to assure them you have enough funds while on a student visa.


When I was on my student visa, the two jobs people didn't seem to have problems getting on a student visa with the 20 hour restrictions were taxi driving and working in a petrol station. Crappy jobs yes, but personally I'd rather that than risk getting caught working cash in hand and risk further visas.


You might have to see if a loan is a possibility. Not the best situation to be in, but sometimes there isn't much choice, especially with the large visa charges.

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I don't believe there is any help, that is why they ask you to assure them you have enough funds while on a student visa.


When I was on my student visa, the two jobs people didn't seem to have problems getting on a student visa with the 20 hour restrictions were taxi driving and working in a petrol station. Crappy jobs yes, but personally I'd rather that than risk getting caught working cash in hand and risk further visas.


You might have to see if a loan is a possibility. Not the best situation to be in, but sometimes there isn't much choice, especially with the large visa charges.


I had/have enough funds for school - thats not the problem. my wife becoming disabled and the medical bills associated with that (i could go to school 10 plus years with that alone)...plus the cost of a child and we r broke..... those costs were unforeseen. our son was a miracle, my wife was told she would never conceive, so you know....we are very grateful. My wife being injured during a surgery and becoming permanently disabled wasn't a planned scenario either. Sure, there is an active lawsuit, but that WILL take years to settle and we cant take that into account since it will likely wrap up long after my visa issue. no advances are on the table, we already asked.. anyway


My wife has mobility problems now along with other health issue, after fighting cancer on top of everything... i do alot for her (cook/clean etc etc) and look after our son. the older, heavier and more active our son becomes, it requires me to be even that much more hands on with him. even if i had a job it will be hard at home being we have little support and she needs lots of help. its really hard for my wife to look after our son for two days while im at school. we get it done for now.


loans are not a possibility.


i guess all i can do is look into iaaas providers and see if any are willing to help.. i just pray i find a job.


and fifi, i live in far west sydney - richmond/windsor area.

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Hi there,


I am sorry things are so tough for you right now. When you're in that tunnel it's very hard to see your way out. As I see it you have three separate issues here:

1. Your wife needs care and support and help with the baby

2.You need money to get by, so a job, or charity or a loan

3. The visa issue


My advice would be to prioritise in some way which of these you need to fix first. I know it's hard, everything seems urgent. But if you can make progress with one, the others will seem easier.

See if you can talk with your wife and set aside 20 hours you are available for work every week (easier to get a job if you can say I can work Sat, Sun and Mon 3 to 10 for example. )

Have a chat to your gp about support options for your wife. Maybe a couple hours daycare is available for the baby through Centrelink? I don't know, just throwing out ideas.

You can do this and there is help out there but you need to find it!

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The visa should be a priority - when you get PR everything will become easier. If you are already married, how long have you been married? If you have a son from your relationship then this can cut down the qualifying time to become PR - I think if your relationship is over two years old you can get considered for PR straight away. Once you are PR, you will have access to cheaper student fees. You might also be able to apply for work rights when you apply for a partner visa - but that might need your student visa to elapse first. Perhaps a friendly agent might be able to have a pro bono conversation with you about options.


But I would beg, steal or borrow the money for the visa.

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What a hard time you are going through. Can't offer advice on the job front unfortunately but have you been in touch with your local council to find out if your wife is eligible for some support at home? Have you approached your university to see if there are grants or some other financial aid available for you?

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Not sure if this has already been mentioned, but ring the Redcross, Catholic care organisations and see if they can help. I work in mental health and I have heard that they do sometimes help.

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