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Abbot is flip-flopping slimy toad


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Back to the original subject (oops) Tony Abbot is being hailed as the worst Australian PM ever and he's only just started.


I can't actually think of what he stands for or what his policies are now apart from reducing the debt at any cost. He used to be for the people as I remember. Or was that a dream ?

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Back to the original subject (oops) Tony Abbot is being hailed as the worst Australian PM ever and he's only just started.


I can't actually think of what he stands for or what his policies are now apart from reducing the debt at any cost. He used to be for the people as I remember. Or was that a dream ?





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They.."Abbot" and his cronys are puppets on strings, paid to be the actors they are...cant you see that..Its all a circus...they are there to manipulate,destroy why we all sit

back with our huge mortgages, struggle to live..that is part of their plan..destroy bit by bit..

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He has actually gone and done the opposite he's been elected to do. That should be enough to have him thrown out if office and a new election date set as requested by Bill Shorten.


He can't get away with this. There is no debt crisis, every political heavyweight who is not in office has said the same thing. You bring the economy back into surplus over a sensible period of time without making drastic cuts or by increasing taxes. This has been a well managed economy we don't need to be lied to by Tony Abbott that the Labour govt created an economic mess. That is complete bull, your days are numbered Mr Abbott.

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How do you bring the economy in line without making cuts or increasing taxes ?


There's more money being collected in taxes each year. You control public spending, you don't embark on lavish projects such as desalination plants. You target tax evasion such as mining industries, you ensure people do not shirk their responsibilities as far as personnel taxation is concerned closing loopholes, get rid of negative gearing would be a good start.

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The sad thing is, he doesn't even seem to realise what he is doing! I have serious concerns/doubts about Abbott's mental health to be honest....



This may clarify things: :wink:

"THE psychopath may be smart even highly intelligent, but lacks empathy and is a chronic manipulator.

He/she is morally bankrupt due to this lack of empathy and narcissism. What he/she doesn’t feel, he/she mimics to further his/her own ends.

The psychopath or sociopath is careless of others feelings, exhibits no guilt or remorse, lies compulsively and acts impulsively with little regard for the consequences of those actions.

Grandiosity inflates a sense of getting away with anything.

The focus is never on reparation — but on escaping any responsibility for the harm inflicted on others.

The drive is essentially narcissistic, even if it is paraded as altruistic.

The psychopath may become enraged at accusations, and aggressive and defensive, even if those accusations are grounded in fact.

Behaviours and responses that appear to contradict the lack of empathy are, in fact, part of manipulating others to further the psychopath’s own ends. The actions are thoroughly Machiavellian with the end justifying the means — but the ends are narcissistically focused."

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I think you may be right. He has no empathy for others otherwise he wouldn't let govt jobs go without batting an eyelid. These are families, the very people he sought to protect during his election promises and now he is hurting them. He does not realise what happens to these families could lose their homes. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Sadly its partly the Labour parties fault for running an ineffective election campaign. Also the Australian public for essentially backing the wrong horse. I mean what exactly was the problem with the last govt. We needed continuation not a change of guard. That sadly has now become all too clear.

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