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How could a mother do this ? I hope she never sees the light of day.


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Guest Guest16631

.......and how quick so many will judge......

.......not knowing the life behind the story.....

.......not knowing the mothers state of mind.....

.......not knowing how she can justify what she thought was the right decision....

.......or was she even of sound mind.....

........because to live ....daily ....with three of your own ....debilitated by their condition....

........to see the decline and nothing to be done,.....

........must ,..to me......of been one of the most harrowing and soul destroying things a mother could do.....

........so before we judge.....

.........especially those who advocate ....no suffering......

.........for our loved ones.......

.......perhaps some compassion and empathy for a situation no parent would ever want to be in........tink x

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Guest Guest16631

........in your eyes.......

.......in your perception of the story ......of the life they lead.....

......we can only control our choices......

......our reasons for treading the path we do.....

.......I don't think we should judge......

.......what to me was obviously a harrowing position to be in.....

........to watch another suffer....

.........especially a child.......

.........would make many......ime.....

........question life......

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There is no reason to murder a child. No circumstances where that is justifiable.

For a mother to kill her 3 children is evil and the ultimate betrayal.

I don't care whether she was depressed it does not explain such a horrific act against her defenseless kids who would have trusted her to protect them.

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Guest Guest16631

........we do not know any of the circumstances......

........a gutter press has presented us with a gaudily wrapped story.....

........a glittering eye catching bow of a headline.....

.......designed to catch the eye and indignation and outrage of a reader.....

........with no hint .......

.........of the content within......

.........she may indeed just be a monster......

.........but what were the circumstances.....?

.........was it her....?

.........was she sane......?

..........how would we react under the same pressure.......

..........I ...for one.......

..........would not want to be lead ...like a lemming......

...........taking the word of an unknown.....

...........a person paid to sensationalise.......

...........before I offered my opinion......not judgement.....

...........how could I ever be qualified to do so ......never being in that position.....

...........I would want to know more.....

..........to at least glimpse inside ........

...........the wrapping of a sad and heart wrenching story........though that is just my thoughts......tink x

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Fair enough Tink. And it is very nice to have you back.


True I don't know any detail about the whys and wherefores.



To me as i have stated already There are No, Nil, Zero circumstances where this is justifiable.

Unless she is totally insane. Regardless i hope she never again sees the light of day.


Apparently she had minor injuries. Sounds like she meant to then kill herself but couldn't go through with that despite killing her kids.


Obviously noone agrees with me. Which i find surprising but ill live with that.

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Guest Guest16631

.......thank you PC....for your kind words.....tink x


......as to the mother......

.......for me I have yet again experienced the fact that life has many grey areas......

.......and to not accept what we do not know for ourselves.......

.......we teach our children to question.....

........why.....when .....where......

.........to look for the circumstances that lead to our choices......

.........why then do we as adults accept the word of such as the press......

.........have they given the husbands view......?

.........a neighbour......the doctor...?

.........NO.......just a journalist.......few facts......no idea of circumstance ....

...........and to me......

............this will never be enough .......for joe average to make an informed opinion with.....

............our perceptions ....are just that PC......ours......

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Guest Guest16631
So you all feel that there maybe circumstances which justify you murdering your children, or how about your grandchildren?

God help us. I cant think of any.



.......and hopefully never will......

.......but until we are ever put in a situation.....

........we can never.....IMO.....

.........truly say ....100%

........given similar choices.....

.........what our actions would be......

.........I know what most would like to think they would choose.....

.........myself included......and I too pray I am never tested...........tink x

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Guest Guest16631
Sorry it is all gobbledygook to me.

But if you can provide a simple example or two of when you think it is acceptable to do what she did, it might help me understand.



......which bits gobbledygook......?

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Parley did you read the article all the way to the end?


Have you ever known or cared for a child with this disease? Do you have any understanding of the suffering some children go through?


I would give my life in a heartbeat to protect my children but in this mothers circumstances I can quite easily see myself taking their lives if they were sufferering.

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Im absolutely with Tink and Freckleface on this one. I believe we judge through our fractured worldview too much. Usually from those with sheltered lives and not having encountered emotional trauma or hardship. Yes its not a nice thing to happen but theres always more reasons than is truly known. Some 'one' onced said judge not and you shall not be judged.. not many listen to his sage advice.

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What if it was reported...'the unemployed father who claims sickness benefit was on holiday with his new partner and child''..'the mother was in receipt of £1000 a week in benefits and was arrested from her council house '....what if the pic was of a toothless guy with tattoos?...would you all respond wth the same empathy??

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Guest Guest16631
What if it was reported...'the unemployed father who claims sickness benefit was on holiday with his new partner and child''..'the mother was in receipt of £1000 a week in benefits and was arrested from her council house '....what if the pic was of a toothless guy with tattoos?...would you all respond wth the same empathy??




.........I agree we are all too gullible ....

.........who is the press.....?

.........merely a perception on an incident........

.........written with the objective of selling a story.......

.........yes to inform.....

...........but often from a narrow view..........

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What if it was reported...'the unemployed father who claims sickness benefit was on holiday with his new partner and child''..'the mother was in receipt of £1000 a week in benefits and was arrested from her council house '....what if the pic was of a toothless guy with tattoos?...would you all respond wth the same empathy??



If the story reported the children had the same cruel disease? Yes of course.

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If the story reported the children had the same cruel disease? Yes of course.


Maybe u would...others wouldn't

Why did the children get no choice in whether the lived or died? Who gave that woman the right to take that choice away from these individuals? If she couldnt cope she could have taken her own life...I have cared for children with this condition .my heart aches for the whole family but being a struggling mother does not give you the right to end someones life

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