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Ant invasion !


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Over the last few weeks we have developed an ant problem ( the tiny little black type). As soon as any food is not swept up they are on it in minutes.


I have been spraying the exit holes with Raid and this stops them for a bit, but they just seem to find a new hole. They are coming out of the little gaps in the skirting board corners and between the skirting and the floor. Not from outside that I can see.


I know the property was sprayed before we moved in about 6 months ago, does this wear off ? Should the landlord be treating the house regularly ?


I have two young children so I don't want to go overboard with the Raid.


I'm on the Gold Coast if that's relevant. Is it just the fact the weather has turned ?


They're driving me mad and making me feel I live in an unclean house !! Which I don't !


Any thoughts welcome.



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Over the last few weeks we have developed an ant problem ( the tiny little black type). As soon as any food is not swept up they are on it in minutes.


I have been spraying the exit holes with Raid and this stops them for a bit, but they just seem to find a new hole. They are coming out of the little gaps in the skirting board corners and between the skirting and the floor. Not from outside that I can see.


I know the property was sprayed before we moved in about 6 months ago, does this wear off ? Should the landlord be treating the house regularly ?


I have two young children so I don't want to go overboard with the Raid.


I'm on the Gold Coast if that's relevant. Is it just the fact the weather has turned ?


They're driving me mad and making me feel I live in an unclean house !! Which I don't !


Any thoughts welcome.



I wonder if you could trace back to the hill they live in ( as it may be in your garden ) we had huge anthills in our garden when we moved in probably up to 150 as the garden had been untended for years and I dug them up and now strim them and mow them through the summer. It may be different over there but just a thought.

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They drive me insane too! I tried lots of the tips online and nothing seemed to work...raid do an ant bait which is a tiny white disc that you put in their path and they take the poison back to the nest. Easy to keep out of reach of kids and has seemed to do the trick at our place!

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You do need to get the house sprayed regularly, I don't think any more than 6 months is required. We get occasional "breaches" as we call them, but spraying along the doorways and skirting usually stops it for quite a while. You do have to learn to be meticulous about not leaving any food out though, my OH still sometimes forgets, although our breaches are normally when a cat drops a bit of his food on the floor and we come home to it!

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Hmm never thought of that. I have had a quick scan of the grassed areas in the garden, there are a few obvious holes we could dig up. We don't have a big block and there is a deck round the pool, could they be living under there ? The focus of the entry and exit points are near our Landry room/ kitchen on the other side of the house.

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Guest Guest66881

Any food types and the buggers appear, clean clean and clean, hard but it stops the sods from moving in.

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They drive me insane too! I tried lots of the tips online and nothing seemed to work...raid do an ant bait which is a tiny white disc that you put in their path and they take the poison back to the nest. Easy to keep out of reach of kids and has seemed to do the trick at our place!


The white discs are great (Ant-Rid is the brand I use), easier and less messy than granules or liquids. It takes a few days for the nest to die, but it always seems to work. I try to be proactive and get the damn ants before they reach the house, i.e put the discs in any ant trails outside. Haven't had any in the house for years.


Strangely, this year, something has been stealing the baits overnight this summer. Then a few weeks ago, I saw a rat running along a fence outside. I wonder if he/she is the culprit and has an upset stomach!

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We get them regularly.


Track them back to find the nest and boil water and pout over the nest. Repeat a couple of times.


Then, in Woolworths they sell these ant rid things that are little plastic squares. These work really well. You have to look at their train and put it somewhere that they cant avoid going over it. They will then start taking the poison hidden inside and take that back to the nest. Kills them all in a few days

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