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Draft Statutory Declaration re. Criminal Record. is this right, opinions and comments please.


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Hi Quinkla.


Even if it does take an hour it has taken many years of training, experience, and ongoing professional development to get to a point where it "only" takes an hour to deal with the matter.


Best regards.


I managed a 501 case pro bono where the person concerned was a guest of Her Majesty, having been (wrongly?) convicted of sexually intercoursing a handicapped child. I read the sentencing remarks, the police antecedents report, the parole board's deliberations. I obtained evidence of 2 Australian-citizen children and 1 other child and an Australian citizen spouse, school counsellor's reports, 11 charcter references, evidence of post-conviction completion of studies, an employment offer and so on and so on and I finished up with 500+ folios from which by reference to the applicable regulations and ministerial directions I made a successful submission.


I would not want to be in the same boat today, the current minister having stated that he will be deciding character cases personally; there is an appeal to the AAT from a character decision by a ministerial delegate, there no appeal from a decision by the minister acting personally.

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My question was aimed at people who have submitted visa applications and had to write a stat. dec. for their own police certificate and had either been granted a visa or failed.

The only advice I have been given is to pay for help or that I don't come across in the right way without suggesting how it could be changed.


At the end of the day only you can write your stat dec, as you are the only one who knows the full story. You have had some really good advise on here off people. I am not sure what else you want, short of them actually writing it for you?


From what I have read of your stat dec. I would keep it to the bare facts when explaining the dates, the sentences ect. Then add a paragraph about how you regret the incident and what you are doing/have done to be a better person. You need to accept the responsibility for your actions and sound remorseful. At the moment your stat dec does not come across that way.


With that being said, I am no expert. I really do think the small fee involved to get professional help from a MARA who has experience in that area is 100% worth it and you should go down that route.

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The only advice I have been given is to pay for help or that I don't come across in the right way without suggesting how it could be changed.

Specifically, the advice is that you need to pay someone to help you come across in a better way.


We can give advice about standard cases but yours is not standard. I don't know case histories but agents do. They would know whether your case is likely to be rejected or whether it would go through. We don't. They would know what things people have said in the past that have worked. We don't. Sure, someone might be able to tell you about a statement they made about a long-distant crime committed in their youth. But I doubt any of us have experience of staging a break in to make a fraudulent insurance claim a few weeks after submitting a visa application. That's why you should take our advice to use some of your latest insurance payout to hire an agent.

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My question was aimed at people who have submitted visa applications and had to write a stat. dec. for their own police certificate and had either been granted a visa or failed.

The only advice I have been given is to pay for help or that I don't come across in the right way without suggesting how it could be changed.









The reason people are telling you to pay is because you are up a( creek without paddle mate). Most people realise that an RMA has your paddle and you have to pay him/her to get it .The way your current declaration is you could be declined. If this happens you could be permanently excluded from Australia which would also have an effect on you visiting other countries .A migration agent would know what your chances are and could possibly advise you to withdraw your application so you don’t mess the rest of your life up and all for only £400 .

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My question was aimed at people who have submitted visa applications and had to write a stat. dec. for their own police certificate and had either been granted a visa or failed.

The only advice I have been given is to pay for help or that I don't come across in the right way without suggesting how it could be changed.



There are very few occasions when somebody applying for a visa has had sentences of 12 months or more, that we see on PIO I mean. When they do pop up, the recommendation from the site, is always to lodge the application with professional help.


You could just lodge the stat declaration yourself and hope it does the trick or at least hope that you get another chance to provide support for you application. But that is a risk I would not take personally. You have failed the character test, you now how to provide IBP with a reason to waive that requirement. I am not sure that a stat dec would do that, definitely not sure that these stat decs do that as you only vaguely admit you even did something wrong.


It is your choice now.

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