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Purple Day and our Oz adventure


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This year sees our 5th Ozzieverary - it has not been without its ups and downs but we are finally citizens and looking at buying our first Ozzie home this year. We made the big move just as the GCF hit and we had to rent our house instead of sell it - was a huge blow but we moved regardless. My OH was working within 3 weeks of arriving so we were very lucky and after much soul searching I decided not to convert my legal training and practice here instead return to my old travel career a good decision as it turned out. The children for the most of settled well - my eldest is now in Uni and my youngest is now in high school - my middle son has had a rough ride and to be honest if anything it has been his hardships that have only ever been the thing that has made me think of returning to my family in the UK. My son developed epilepsy 2 years ago and it has been a nightmare - they cannot control it and his injuries are so many I can no longer count them all - the health system here has been in the main excellent but I would definitely make sure you have ambulance insurance something I learned the hard way almost $6000 later (which I had to pay) !!! Help from Centrelink none - ! Today is Purple Day which is a day celebrated internationally every year to raise awareness of epilepsy - we have received some wonderful support from so many people including the local newspapers ! Am always happy to answer questions about making the big move so please PM - I received so much support when we moved! Happy PURPLE DAY!!!

purple day.jpg

purple day.jpg

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My daughter also is epileptic. She is an amazing daughter who has been epileptic since age 8 and is now 33, she has never let it stop her living life to the full. Luckily mostly controlled, but had a bad one last week, thought she might have spinal damage from the fall but luckily ok. Cracked ribs, possible broken nose and a very bad burn as she had just taken food out of the microwave. Dreading the cost of the ambulance as we didn't know she hadn't taken out ambulance cover!! Will just have to pay up, but can't fault the medical care she had, saw her specialist within 2 days and a plastic surgeon as well for the burn. I was on the telephone for 20 minutes, keeping her calm before her partner got home and called the ambulance, it's a mean medical condition and unfortuneately she gets no warning.

do hope that your son can get his under control, it makes such a difference to their lives.

Sorry if I have gone on, but I know you will understand how I am feeling at the moment.

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  • 3 months later...


I have a 6 year old daughter with epilepsy, which is mostly well controlled. I am in the application process for a visa to emigrate to Australia but i'm a bit concerned about healthcare for her, she is so well managed here under the NHS at the moment and I do worry that we wont be able to match the healthcare support she has here......any advice??


Also did you have any issues with the school regarding diagnosis of epilepsy?


thank you! sorry so many questions!

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I have a 6 year old daughter with epilepsy, which is mostly well controlled. I am in the application process for a visa to emigrate to Australia but i'm a bit concerned about healthcare for her, she is so well managed here under the NHS at the moment and I do worry that we wont be able to match the healthcare support she has here......any advice??


Also did you have any issues with the school regarding diagnosis of epilepsy?


thank you! sorry so many questions!


HI There,


The specialist we have seen have in mostly very good - I am not sure where you are planning to settle but I understand some of the best neurologists are in Melbourne. We are heading down there in 2 weeks to see one but as your daughter's condition is mostly controlled you should be fine. Definitely have ambulance insurance just in case - not sure that health insurance will cover her epilepsy straight away but you would have to check with them. As for school I have not had a problem but I can't speak for the primary sector or the state schools as my son attended a private school and they continue to support him despite having to leave and attend a specialist school. if you are on FB there are two pages here in Australia that you might want to join - Team Teen E and Epilepsy Parents Australia. The two pages are only for people in Australia but if you message the admins and explain you are moving here am sure they will admit you - I have found both sites very helpful and they are a great bunch a bit nuts sometimes but some of the parents have it really tough on there. Hope this helps feel free to PM if you have any questions. All the best. Nikci

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2nd the importance of getting ambulance cover if moving to some states. QLD you are covered.

definately join a support web site as posted above, has helped us enormously over the years.

my daughter has a great specialist in Sydney, if you are moving there.

reference her burn as posted, still unfortuneately not healing properly, but otherwise as usual she has picked herself up and got on with life, started a new job and been poached by another company, so epilepsy doesn't have to hold you back if mostly well controlled.

all the best to anyone with this condition.

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Hi Nikci, long time no hear. Glad your all settled, I'm sorry to hear that your son has had to deal with this. Hope time brings if not a cure then something to manage it.:hug:



Thanks - am here most days poking about to see what everyone is up to -just don't say much these days! Hope all good your side though !! xx

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