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820 Partner Visa Evidence advice


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Hi Guys,

I am looking to lodge my partner 820 visa in the next 10 weeks!


I am currently gathering all my paper work and evidence together ready for lodgement, sadly I cannot afford an immigration agent so I would love some advice...


When gathering evidence that you are in a commiting and long term relationship, what did you use and how did you put it together?


I have birthday, anniversary, Christmas cards to eachother, flight itinery, hotels, family cards send to us, bills, bank statements and details..

with putting it together, how do they like it done? a collage of photos? I don't want to attach loads and loads of A4 and bore them, what counts? I have all our photos on facebook that I can make a collage from with dates?


Anyone who has been approved on this visa, what worked for you?


Thanks in advance :)

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I'd forget things like cards. It's bills, bank accounts, you both being listed on the car insurance, that sort of thing that they are really interested in. Putting the two of you living at the same address via official means. If you share a bank account or transfer money between your own accounts, even better.


I guess the odd hotel booking if it shows both your names won't hurt but not lots of them. All that sort of stuff shows is you went on holiday together.


Send in a much supporting evidence as you can. We sent in a car insurance to show us both listed on it, covering two years. Also joint bank account, random statements from each year going back a few years. Phone bill in my name. Life insurance policy set up by hubby where I am listed as the beneficiary, council tax bills from a few years, random ones again. Also TV licence in my name. Tax stuff in hubby's. All showing us at the same addresses together over the years. That is what they are wanting, covering the timeframe to meet their requirements.


Don't send in cards. If you scan or send in some pics, just enclose half a dozen or so is all. They are not really what they are after but won't hurt. They really don't want masses though. I think we sent in about 8-10 of us over the years was all. Didn't include any flight bookings or holiday info.

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Thing is, My partner is a farmer and the house we live in is part of his work package, therefore we do not pay any bills, rent and have no name on the lease

However we can get a declaration from the neighbour, a letter from my partners employer saying why we do not pay rent and how long we have lived together...etc


So im relying on that as well as evidence we have been together in a long and committed relationship, he is originally from Ireland, and me from England, I have been there and met his parents and he has met mine. his sister lives in perth too and we are good friends, its such a tricky situation, however that's the way it is! and this is what we have to work with


Thank you

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Declarations are good. Use the proper forms for stat decs. If it's explained by the employer it should be fine.


Do you at least share a bank account or both have bank letters and statements to the address? What about car? Drivers licence? Do they show you at the same address? What about salary slips to either of you?


Honestly, you could send in cards and photos in piles but they really don't count for much at all. Treat those as secondary to your actual evidence and just an extra. Don't focus on that sort of thing. Look for proper official stuff on letter headed paper etc.

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We have a joint bank account since November last year and I have been putting my visa money in there weekly, my car is in his name and I am secondary person on it.

I only have a UK drivers liscense :(

My pay slips have the same address on as his pay slips

I have a friend who works for the government so she can write me a letter

I could ask the rental agent to write a letter saying that I live there, as on many occasions he has seen me there when doing a rent inspection

I just don't know how to put it all together really


Thing is, I will give them everything I have, if they ask for anything more I don't really know what to provide!


Did you have any problems, or are you married? When did you do yours?

I am pushing and pushing to get mine in before 1st july, however I bet this is a busy time of year as everyone else will want to be doing the same, so will probably have a long time to wait!

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Ok joint account good. You being listed as second person on car, also good. Salary slips, both of you, good.


Does this all cover the 12 months prior to you lodging your application?


As for putting it together, just bung it all in a pile and stick it in a Jiffy bag and post it as per their instructions. Or envelope and hand it in in person if this is allowed near you. You don't have to sort it in any kind of order, your CO will do that (they prefer you don't use paper clips, staple stuff or use plastic envelopes etc). Just put your application forms, sponsor forms and stat decs etc at the top of the pile.


I had no issues with my partner visa. It was granted last year.


Your OH can sponsor you obviously?

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apart from the joint back account (started November 2013) we photos, holidays, pay slips dating back to when we moved in together, its been 2 years now.

my partner has his permanent residency, I am currently on a 457 visa


It would be good if our house mate did a declaration, however he is not a perm resident, he is on a 457 from Ireland? Could I just do one, or get him to write his own letter?


Just trying to think of ways we can get letters, bills, joining papers..etc with both names and addresses

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You only need one of you on an address. So you can be on different things so long as they show you at the *same* address in the timeframe.


Iirc the house mate can't write a stat dec. Has to be an Aus citizen. Otherwise it's just a supporting letter (which may need to be witnessed, I can't recall).


If you have 2 years of evidence and a letter from the employer stating you have the house with the job etc it's good.

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Do you actually have sufficient joint address information? Christmas cards, photos and even letters from friends are rather weak evidence by themselves. What about superannuation statements, tax letters, bank statements? These don't need to be joint letters, just need to demonstrate you were at the same address.


I have just answered your other thread and to be honest you could do with professional advice before you make an expensive error.

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Thank you Rupert,

I do understand that its not black and white, it will be tricky. However I am just getting little bits of advice off of anyone. I am in a legit commited relationship and I will provide all that I have, I have plenty of bank satements, phone bills, car rego, cards, government letters, payslips...etc in mine or his name. I have neighbours and friends statutory decs, family of his here. I do feel confident about what I have. like I said, just gathering little bits of advice along the way

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It would be good if our house mate did a declaration, however he is not a perm resident, he is on a 457 from Ireland? Could I just do one, or get him to write his own letter?

Having a housemate may not help your case in claiming to share a household - it makes the whole thing look much more like a casual bf-gf arrangement than something that is a marriage in all but name.

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