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A family friend has offered me a sponsorship in his business to work for him however I am unsure of what type of visa I/he must apply for to allow me to take the next step to moving to Perth and to work for him. I am currently 18 and would like to eventually apply for a PR in Australia and this sponsorship seems a good way to gain access into the country, could anyone please recommend the type of visa I/he must apply for and the steps I must take in order for me to get there.

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Hi - I'm not best placed to offer advice on this so hopefully someone with much more experience will be along soon - I'm sure I've read that businesses have to fulfill certain criteria before they can sponsor so I guess the first step is to check whether the family friend's business is eligible

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I assume he's talking about the 457 visa? You and he should read the information on the DIBP website. I realise this is an assumption, but I find it doubtful that at 18 you would meet the criteria for a 457 visa since you need to demonstrate the qualifications (education and experience) for an occupation on the CSOL.

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