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Perth Is Not A Hipster Paradise In Case Someone Didn't Know

flag of convenience

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I agree with a lot of your views on Perth FOC but I thought the article was spot on - made me shudder to be honest. To me that's what Perth is exactly like - a manufactured idea of a 'perfect city' and lacking heart and soul as a result.


I went to see the Lego Movie recently and as soon as Bricksburg came on I whispered to my friend 'it's Perth' - everything is Awesome!

God if I'd heard that word one more time...that and blessed! Cringe.


There are a few cringe factors here without doubt. Awesome is certainly one of them.

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I don't concern myself with the feelings of the poster you refer to, rather confined to her own little world, I suspect from the reading of previous posts, which is fine in itself, but certainly not au fait with the hipster scene or lack of in Perth.



Not like you are Flag. Hipper than a hip thing in hiptown, hipsville. Can we meet? I need lessons in hip.

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I don't concern myself with the feelings of the poster you refer to, rather confined to her own little world, I suspect from the reading of previous posts, which is fine in itself, but certainly not au fait with the hipster scene or lack of in Perth.


But honestly. Who cares about hipsters? Just because you are a barista, with bad tattoos and use a polaroid camera doesn't mean the whole city should revolve around you.


I see enough plimsolls, fixies and turn-ups to know that there are plenty of hipsters about.


Perth is great. After 20 years living in the UK and all it had to offer, it was good enough to lure me back.

My friends feel the same (ones that live here, and ones that don't but want to).

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Guest Ptp113
There are a few cringe factors here without doubt. Awesome is certainly one of them.


Only cringeworthy to poms, everybody else gets on with life

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My argument for decades. Perth needs to shake itself and it could easily become the OZ LA. Too much retaining the status quo. Distrust of diversity in opinion/critique. No place has ever truly progressed until faced up to the issues already prevailing.


The change en train in the City at the moment should have been done thirty years ago. A decade after the first mining boom. We need to attract the sort of people that'll make it happen.


I think you're missing the point Flag. I don't think the people that like Perth WANT it to become anything like LA, New York, Dubai, London etc, they love it the way it is. A lot moved to escape places like that, we were sick of them. LA seems to me OK to visit it's like a big plastic cross between Disneyland and a gigantic casino. You complain about Perth having no soul and then mention LA.:rolleyes:

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Just the sort of ignorance that holds Perth back. No wonder we'll always be 1983 in mental development. Your right though Perth does need more than purely plebs to go ahead. Hardly a young lad though, but the type that are leaving Perth in droves for more creative pastures. Perth can ill afford such losses on a scale of any sort.


Yeh we could really use another film producer.

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But honestly. Who cares about hipsters? Just because you are a barista, with bad tattoos and use a polaroid camera doesn't mean the whole city should revolve around you.


I see enough plimsolls, fixies and turn-ups to know that there are plenty of hipsters about.


Perth is great. After 20 years living in the UK and all it had to offer, it was good enough to lure me back.

My friends feel the same (ones that live here, and ones that don't but want to).


It is not a case of caring about hipsters. I really find it odd folk don't get that. Nor is it about your personal like in particular.. It is how a New York Times writer presented it. Overcooked and oversold the product regardless of her instructions, which would have been to sell the place in a positive light to American tourists all expenses paid. The cringe effect of the article would have the opposite affect on me.

Could well be it was over done due to not a hell of a lot to write about Perth. (especially from a New Yorker perspective)

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I think you're missing the point Flag. I don't think the people that like Perth WANT it to become anything like LA, New York, Dubai, London etc, they love it the way it is. A lot moved to escape places like that, we were sick of them. LA seems to me OK to visit it's like a big plastic cross between Disneyland and a gigantic casino. You complain about Perth having no soul and then mention LA.:rolleyes:


I doubt if many come from the bigger world centres to live in Perth. Most from my experience come from provincial cities of limited scope and size. LA was mentioned not in a sense to replicate the plastic/casino sense, surely Perth is full of that already, but the creative side to LA. It has a climate to match and a place that attracts not just the fickle but also the intelligence and creativity of the world. (I prefer New York, any day, but Perth has more in common with LA than NYC) The original article did state Perth was cooler(more hipster) than her area of NYC, which is why I mentioned LA. Although hardly a comparison I agree, just more similar or in common than NYC.

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