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Tips for Sydney

Captain Zeb

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Hi Everyone,


My wife and I are moving to Sydney in May. We were wondering if there were any tips anyone could share with us. We are moving from New York - I'm a Brit, my wife is Peruvian-American. Anything we should be prepared for? Obviously, we have done some research and know that the cost of living is high in Sydney, but we were looking for any other tips people had. Where should we meet people to make friends? What things might surprise us about living in Sydney? What clubs do people join? Are there things/places we should avoid? Any etiquette points we should be aware of?


Any help is much appreciated!




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First hello from a guy married to a Peruvian.


It is a long time since we lived in sydney. It is a great place, though housing very expensive. Have a look at realestate.com.au for property.


It will be coming into winter.


Have a look at an area called Breakfast Point as it was a great place to live and with a good community feel and the club that everyone who lives there is a member of, gives lots of opportunities to meet people.

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