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Captain Zeb

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Everything posted by Captain Zeb

  1. Just had our 457 visa granted. Only took two weeks, which was amazing. Can't believe it went through this quickly. Arriving Sydney on April 26th. OH following on May 9th. Can't wait! Be looking out for meet-ups updates. Best, Robin
  2. Ha! I will not be posting any pics of my wife but I will take your comment as a compliment GreatDane.
  3. Hi Everyone, My wife and I are moving to Sydney in May. We were wondering if there were any tips anyone could share with us. We are moving from New York - I'm a Brit, my wife is Peruvian-American. Anything we should be prepared for? Obviously, we have done some research and know that the cost of living is high in Sydney, but we were looking for any other tips people had. Where should we meet people to make friends? What things might surprise us about living in Sydney? What clubs do people join? Are there things/places we should avoid? Any etiquette points we should be aware of? Any help is much appreciated! Best, Robin
  4. Hi all, My wife and I are moving to Sydney in May. We currently live in New York (I am a Pom though!). In researching prices in Sydney I seem to find that virtually everything is cheaper in New York (electronics, furniture, bed linen etc). Is there anything we shouldn't ship over? Are there things that you have wished you had or hadn't brought over when you moved? Be good to get an understanding of any do's or dont's regarding this. At the moment I'm thinking we would ship absolutely everything and buy as much as we can in advance (second TV, extra bed linen etc). As we currently live in a 1 bed apartment and would probable be moving to a 3/4 bedroom house I don't think space will be an issue and we will need the extra furnishings. Also, my company is paying for moving costs so the cost of shipping isn't a concern. Many thanks in advance, Robin
  5. Thanks so much Mary for the tips. Will definitely investigate further. I'm in Finance, my wife is a Project Manager. Thanks to all, Robin
  6. Thanks North Shore Pom and Lindsay. Our dog is a small Shitzu Pomeranian but it is really good advice to check for dog friendly parks etc. We really have no idea what the situation is regarding rentals so it's good to be prepared for some negotiation on that point! We will extend our search to include some more dog friendly areas. We currently live in Brooklyn, NY in an apartment and so we were really hoping to get a house when we move (with a small yard if possible). Look forward to the move and meeting all the great people on this site. Best, Robin
  7. Hi Jody, You must be very excited, as we are! The start of a great adventure. We must exchange contact details so that we can share in our expat experiences in Sydney. It will be nice to have someone to meet up with when we are there as we do not yet know anyone in Sydney. Good Luck! Best, Robin
  8. Hi all, My wife and I will be moving to Sydney in May. We welcome any tips that can be provided. I will be working in North Sydney. Any ideas for places to live? We are looking for a min 2 bed 2 bath house relatively close to the office (max 30 min commute driving or by public transport). Budget is $1200 p.w. From researching so far we like the look of Mosman, Neutral Bay, lower North Shore. Also, Surry Hills and Darlinghurst on the other side. We are open to any and all suggestions. We are looking to start a family and have a dog. Not sure if rentals are generally pet friendly. We like the beach, going out to restaurants, walks, parks....those sorts of things. Wouldn't want to be anywhere too quiet as we like going out. Thanks in advance for all the help! Best
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