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WA 190 SS - Schedule 2 query


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Reading the criteria on schedule 2, the key one is where I must have a 12-month job offer.


I have submitted my EOI and am waiting for the invite. Now, my understanding is that I will not receive an invite unless I have a 12-month job offer in place. Speaking to some agents and looking at job sites, majority of the employers will not consider anyone unless they have a relevant visa already.


How can someone meet this job offer on schedule 2 criteria?


Has anyone on schedule 2 received a visa? If so, how did you find the job and invite?


Please correct me if I have not understood the process.


Thanks in advance

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You have understood the criteria correctly - to get an invitation you must have a job offer, and job offers are difficult to find since employers prefer to hire people who already have a visa. You can either look for sponsorship in another state (if your job is on the relevant state occupation list), try to get enough points for a visa that doesn't require sponsorship, or find an employer willing to offer you a job knowing you don't have a visa yet.

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