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2 Months so far in Sydney!


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Hi everyone,


Thought I would touch base and give you all an update on the situation. I left London 3 months ago with my partner and we did a month backpacking around thailand before reaching Sydney. It was an amazing journey and there are some fond memories of this trip overall. Some of the highlights were elephant trekking, jungle walking and kayaking in rivers along with visiting some awesome markets. The food was so good in Thailand.


After a month out there we arrived in Sydney safe and sound 3 days before christmas. I was fortunate to have my mother living in Sydney so we had a roof over out heads and her car which helps. We managed to sort out a bank account and medicare and tax file number on the first couple of days. Christmas was lovely, it was spent with the grandparents and some family friends, lots of food and some drinks. After christmas I managed to sort out a mobile phone. Everything seemed fairly smooth. After spending another 10 days off, just relaxed, enjoyed the weather and beaches etc I had to then start looking for work. I managed to get a job which I didnt enjoy all that much and decided to leave after 3 days however I had my 5th and final interview lined up with a dream company a few days later and I got the job which I was ecstatic about. I started working there a few weeks ago and everyday I walk under the harbour bridge its great. My partner managed to get a position with the same company she worked for in London which worked out.


I would say that it hasnt been easy however good things come to those who work hard for it. You must have the right mindset and desire for wanting to come out here and then it should be a success.


I would say the only challenge for me at the moment is socialising and trying to build up a fried base, at times it feels lonely but I understand that this takes time.


Overall I would say that this has been a wise decision to come out here. The lifestyle is just what I wanted, the weather beautiful most of the time, beaches, activities. My salary is over double than the UK and I am living with my mum and partner at the moment so financially much better off. I have no intentions to return to Britain I am very sure of this though.


I wish everyone the utter most success with their migrations from the UK to Australia. Be strong, you will be fine. :wink::wink::wink:

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Great post ,thanks for sharing . Your journey here sounds awesome, i am jealous,lol


As for this section you wrote -

'' I would say that it hasnt been easy however good things come to those who work hard for it. You must have the right mindset and desire for wanting to come out here and then it should be a success. ''

I totally agree and couldn't have written it better myself.


Cal x


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Me and my fiancee are similar to you guys (28/27)), comfortable and great jobs here in London (live in elephant and castle) but want more than this and can't imagine having kids here in Zone 1!


Went to Oz over Xmas for a month and have decided Sydney is the place for us, so just working through the skilled 189 visa process at the moment! :)

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